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Thursday letter: Smith ignores real problems facing Alberta

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Prime Minister Smith was elected to parliament on Tuesday. During her first month as prime minister, she decided to demonize her COVID-19 restrictions instead of focusing on the actual problems facing the people of Alberta. And she’s been using her own foundation. Smith has promised no future vaccination obligations or health restrictions for her, contrary to her expert advice, and will soon dismiss her CMOH to ensure that people who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19 promotes reform of human rights laws to prohibit discrimination against NDP is now pleading with the government not to accept advice from unlicensed medical professionals who are pushing the COVID-19 conspiracy. The Prime Minister’s approach to COVID-19 is decidedly reckless.

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Communities are struggling to keep up with rising food costs as greedflation hits all-time highs. Rents are rising and the homeless population continues to grow as shelter space dwindles. Alberta faces real problems, but the Prime Minister’s continued focus on populist causes for marginal minorities while ignoring real problems is frustrating for the community.

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The next six months of this government will be up to the people. As we have seen in Ontario, Conservative governments fall when people rise up and fight back. Alberta must stand up and confront Prime Minister Smith’s wild plans.

Haruun Ali, Edmonton

The current Valley Zoo has been greatly improved

again. “The Zoo Has Become a White Elephant,” Letters, 8 November

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Unlike Barry Slawsky, there is no nostalgia for the old Storyland Zoo and its tracks. I, too, with my children, was more along the old themes. Last summer I was there with my granddaughter and admired the vastly improved version. There are different kinds of animals and it is interesting. The Edmonton Zoo is not in the same league as the Calgary Zoo, nor should it be.

Just like we don’t miss the old Storyland Zoo, we don’t miss keeping Lucy at our zoo. She should be transported to California and I hope she survives her trip.The money to upgrade her facility can be better spent on other animals.

Gerhard Henkemans, Edmonton

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Thursday letter: Smith ignores real problems facing Alberta

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