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The royal family abandons formality as the monarchy enters a new era

After his mother died on September 8, it took King Charles III two months to settle into his new role as sovereign. CTV News royal commentator Richard Berthelsen said in this short time the world has already witnessed a shift towards less formal and more approachable monarchies.

A day after the news of Queen Elizabeth II’s death was announced, the King greeted many well-wishers outside Buckingham Palace. Most recently, at a reception at the palace on Friday, King kissed fashion designer Stella McCartney on the cheek and greeted each other.

“It would have been unthinkable [Queen Elizabeth II] In public,” Bartelsen told CTVNews.ca in a telephone interview on Tuesday. “Both King Camilla and his Queen are pretty sensitive to people and don’t stand a lot of ceremony over things like that.”

One protester threw eggs at both King Charles and Queen Camilla as they visited the British city of York on Wednesday. It seems that the couple did not have eggs, but one man was arrested.

Bartelsen said exchanges of this kind could indicate that the monarchy has entered a new era. That era is more concerned with connecting with the general public than with rules of etiquette.

“That would mean a more modern monarchy where people could see the sovereign and ask to be photographed,” Barthelsen said. starting [and] I think it will appeal to a wider segment of the population. “

Berselsen said this change in the way the royal family interacts with the public is one of several changes likely to occur as the king begins his reign.

Another sign that the monarchy has entered a new era has to do with the release of Queen Camilla’s new cypher. The monogram, which was unveiled by Buckingham Palace on Monday, features the initials ‘C’ for Camilla and ‘R’ for Regina, the Latin word for queen.

Buckingham Palace has referred to Camilla as queen consort since Prince Charles ascended the throne, but she is sometimes referred to simply as queen, Berthelsen said. can be used for a monarch or a monarch’s wife.

According to royal tradition, the queen is usually crowned with the king in a “similar but simpler” ceremony as part of the coronation ceremony. According to a statement issued by Buckingham Palace on his October 11th, King Charles’ coronation will take place on his May 6th at Westminster Abbey in London.

“There is no point in using the words ‘queen’ or ‘queen’ to Camila…she is still a queen by marriage,” Berthelsen said.

However, if the new monarch is a queen, her consort is not crowned or anointed during the coronation ceremony.

“This is not only a matter of common law, but also a matter of constitution,” Berthelsen said. “The title ‘King’ would have overshadowed the Queen in a patriarchal society.”

Royal titles held by women are not transferable to their husbands, so “king” can only refer to a living male monarch. For example, after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip retained the title of Prince Her Consort.

The palace will likely continue to refer to Camilla as queen until her coronation, Mr Bartelsen said. There may be

Will some Royal Family members receive new roles?

As new sovereigns continue to take hold, Bartelsen also anticipates soon considering expanding the royal pool that King Charles can convene as State Advisor.

In parliament on October 24, British politicians questioned whether Prince Harry and Prince Andrew should remain as State Counselors. Both dukes are one of a short list of royals who can be summoned to perform royal duties if King Charles III is out of the UK or unwell. According to the Regency Act of 1937, State Counselors include the monarch’s consort and four of her first in line to the throne over the age of 21.

With Prince Harry no longer an active member of the royal family and Prince Andrew stepping down from public duties in 2019, there are few people the King can turn to to represent him.

“It’s a difficult situation,” Berselsen said. “He needs more state advisers.”

In addition to Queen Camilla, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew, the King’s remaining State Counselor is Prince William and Andrew’s daughter, Princess Beatrice. However, Princess Beatrice is not strictly considered a member of the royal family. Additionally, Camilla is more likely to travel with the King when out of state, leaving only one viable option when the King and Queen travel abroad.

The solution is for the government to rewrite the law to allow other members of the royal family to become state advisers, Barthelsen said. This larger pool of royal representatives is expected to include the King’s remaining siblings, Princess Anne and Prince Edward.

Bartelsen said Kate, Princess of Wales, could also be considered for the role to replace Princess Beatrice.

“It’s never been done before,” Bartelsen said, referring to the heir’s wife, who became State Counsel.

Other members of the royal family are more likely to be added to the list of royals than to strip existing titles from families, Barthelsen said. Just because more members of the Royal Family may be in demand does not mean there will be more members of the Royal Family.

The royal family abandons formality as the monarchy enters a new era

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