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The move to streamline medical information is taking a giant leap, according to AHS

“This is not just integration, it is also about making care smarter. We can reduce the number of retests and find more efficient ways to refer patients.

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A long-standing effort to streamline the sharing of health information across the province has come a long way, the Alberta Health Service said.

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On Sunday, AHS launched the fifth and largest installment of its Connect Care program. It integrates hundreds of medical information systems for improved clinical efficiency and public access to medical data.

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Dr. Jeremy Theal, AHS Chief Medical Information Officer, said:

“We have gained an additional 22,500 AHS users and nearly 2,800 healthcare providers, including physicians.”

Connect Care is currently used by 75,000 physicians and other AHS staff.

Bringing into Calgary on Sunday was the Foothills Medical Center, which includes affiliate clinics at the Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Center.

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This increases the efficiency of sharing patient information and gives patients easy access to their medical records.

It also provides guidance on the latest evidence-based treatments and best practices for specific cases, Theal said.

“It’s not just integration, it’s also making care smarter,” he said.

“We can reduce the number of retests and find more efficient ways to refer patients.”

According to Theal, the change could cause initial problems as AHS personnel adjust to the new system.

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“A lot of people are going through big changes and it takes a while to learn their way around,” he said.

While not directly targeting emergency department wait times, Theal said Connect Care’s increased efficiency could reduce wait times.

The Connect Care launch began in November 2019 and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024, linking 150,000 AHS staff at 682 sites to the system.

Correctional systems, long-term care, and some hospitals and clinics will be included in future rollouts, Theal said.

So far, 139,000 Albertans have MyAHS Connect An online portal where you can check your medications, appointments, records and communicate securely with your healthcare provider.


twitter: @BillKaufmannjrn

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The move to streamline medical information is taking a giant leap, according to AHS

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