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The Dundas Landowners’ Association is deeply concerned about Mississauga’s decision to curb the progression and escalation of the Dundas Corridor. The Canadian Business Journal

MISSISSAGA, Ontario, Sept. 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Many prominent businesses and landowners along Mississauga’s Dundas Street Corridor have agreed to comply with several official plan amendments made by the City of Mississauga on Aug. 10, 2022. (OPA) is sounding the alarm. Strictly limit the construction of new communities and housing that maintain the status quo, are walkable, climate friendly, and have an emphasis on public transport.

“It is hard to believe that the Council, which is supposed to represent the interests of all its members, puts the unfounded concerns of one company above what it has served many long-standing small businesses and landlords. “It’s really disappointing and frankly concerning. The city for decades. What’s even more disappointing is that the city has taken a position that these OPAs cannot be appealed,” said president Stephen Sparling. I am Dundas Landowners Association (DLA).

The Mississauga City Council voted to move nearly all land on Dundas Street on the Oakville-Toronto border to mixed use, but voted to keep the land on Dundas Street between Haines Road and Blundell Road. Employment area only. The decision puts pressure on the city council to freeze the ability of neighboring land and business owners to redevelop properties for mixed-use residential purposes, citing concerns about land-use compatibility. It was done after calling This is despite several instances of properties throughout Ontario where food industry businesses have been successfully used near residential properties.

“DLA members see the Dundas Corridor as more than just a place of employment. The city’s inherent tendency to focus on is frankly disappointing, said President and CEO Mo Ahmed. ahmed group“It is particularly concerning given the city’s stance against both local and state guidelines and policies.”

In April 2022, following the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) mandated under Ontario’s provincial government, Where to grow Growth planthe skin area is Official plans for new regions To support state purposes. The Peel Area plan is consistent with the state’s plan to reclassify the entire length of Dundas Street for mixed-use development, allowing for significant improvements in transportation, development that supports sustainable transportation, and enhancement. This reclassification from employment to mixed use is necessary to support the expected population and employment growth along the corridor. from now on Dundas Bus Rapid System (Dundas BRT) and Hurontario Light Rail Transit (Hurontario LRT).

Despite agreeing Dundas Connects Master Plan We will support both in the future Dundas BRT When Huron Tario LRTthe City of Mississauga decided to refute both opinions of the Ontario government Where to grow Growth plan And the official plan for the Peel area by refusing to remove land from designated employment areas. This decision was made without considering several business owners in the area who have repeatedly asked to have their employment zone designation revoked. Various Mississauga Council and Commission Meetings July and August. In addition, the city’s refusal has created an alarming conflict with the area’s new official plans for mixed land use permits in Dundas.

“I have been a part of this community for nearly 40 years and was thrilled to finally see the city plan to make significant investments in the area, including two large BRT stations nearby. . true tone electronics“The BRT has the potential to increase the number of people who live, work, shop and eat along this Dundas. The city’s action to keep it out of mixed-use zoning and purely industrial in nature effectively limits our ability to grow as a business within a vibrant and thriving community.”

In July, the Peel Council area unanimously reconfirmed A decision to oppose the request of one manufacturing facility to leave the 57.5 acres of land in question as an employment area and to continue to support various landowners and small business owners who are members of the Dundas Landowners Association.

“August 10 in Mississaugath This decision means the Peel region has to do the right thing again. Tavola Foods“While we hope to reverse Mississauga’s short-sighted OPA and remove our land from employment areas to allow for residential mixed-use development, one company has decided against a planned land-use change.” , despite continued attempts to restore the land and maintain the designation of the land as an employment area.

In addition to the land-use designation change, DLA members are asking the City of Mississauga to allow the city of Mississauga to increase building height along the corridor to increase density for better future use of Dundas. I requested. BRTHowever, the city’s final approved OPA includes low and restrictive height restrictions within the Municipal Major Transit Area (MTSA) Plan. An MTSA is land primarily located along existing or planned transportation corridors (GO trains, light rail transit, BRT, etc.), primarily within a radius of 500-800 meters and approximately 10 minutes’ walk from transit stations or stops. . The city’s imposition of unreasonable height limits on his MTSA is against both local and state guidelines.

“No municipality anywhere in Ontario has included height limits or land use restrictions in the MTSA OPA. Why is the City of Mississauga doing this to us here? As a proud homebuilder , I have never seen so much bureaucracy in any municipality I have worked with, I have worked with many municipalities. ashley group.

Mississauga was the first municipality in the Peel area to complete an MTSA OPA, and many DLA members say city officials are rushing to submit their proposals at the city council’s final meeting in the year before city council elections. expressed concern. Several city council members acknowledged this and the report’s controversial nature and attempted to postpone the vote after the election, giving city officials time to reconsider landlords’ concerns. The motion ultimately failed, losing by a narrow margin of 5-6, and the OPA was adopted on August 10, 2022. State municipalities have included maximum height restrictions in the MTSA OPA.

“We own one of the largest parcels on Dundas Street in Mississauga. coupled with rising costs and inflation have significantly reduced the willingness to invest in residential real estate redevelopment,” said Wen Qing. he president Mississauga Chinese Center.

“We know how committed the Peel State and region are to addressing the housing crisis and supporting transit-oriented development,” Sperling said. “To reaffirm the decision to remove the land along Dundas between Haynes Road and Blundell Road from employment areas and to remove the unjustly restricted height limit imposed on Dundas Street. We look forward to Peel again, and DLA members look forward to being part of Mississauga’s progress, addressing housing needs and contributing to a future where businesses, housing and recreational spaces can all coexist.”

August 8, 2022 Mississauga City Council vote to postpone the controversial MTSA OPA (5-6). Not shown: Rep. Sue McFadden verbally voted in favor of the postponement, and Mayor Bonnie Crombie verbally voted against the postponement.

August 8, 2022 Mississauga City Council vote to postpone the controversial MTSA OPA (5-6). Not shown: Rep. Sue McFadden verbally voted in favor of the postponement, and Mayor Bonnie Crombie verbally voted against the postponement.

Mississauga City Council Final Vote on Aug. 10, 2022 to Approve Controversial MTSA OPA (9 to 3)

Mississauga City Council Final Vote on Aug. 10, 2022 to Approve Controversial MTSA OPA (9 to 3)

About Dundas Landowners Association
The Dundas Landowners’ Association (DLA) is an incorporated non-profit organization that represents the interests of primarily family-owned small business landowners along Mississauga’s Dundas Street corridor. The Corridor will undergo a significant transition in the coming years, and the DLA will fight at each stage for its members, the most important stakeholders in that transition. Business owners along the Dundas East Corridor who wish to raise concerns and participate in the DLA’s efforts are encouraged to contact the DLA.

Media contact:

Stephen Sperling
Dundas Landowners Association
[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at



CBJ Newsmaker

The Dundas Landowners’ Association is deeply concerned about Mississauga’s decision to curb the progression and escalation of the Dundas Corridor. The Canadian Business Journal

Source link The Dundas Landowners’ Association is deeply concerned about Mississauga’s decision to curb the progression and escalation of the Dundas Corridor. The Canadian Business Journal

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