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The 70–20–10 Rule For Content Creation You Wouldn’t Want To Miss

Content creation can be hard, it takes creativity, talent and hardwork to be able to produce content that matches with the taste of your audience on a platform like Allcreate, where content creators are given the opportunity to create modern art and share their interests with a supportive community. Most people who venture into content creation without proper planning or doing research about their field, end up failing. But those who take their time to understand their field and audience become successful in the end.


If you are a content creator, you want to optimize your work as much as possible with content creation rules like the 70-20-10. You can apply this rule while creating content on a platform of choice such as Allcreate for instance. Keep reading to learn about them.

How is the 70-20-10 rule beneficial for content creators?

According to the 70-20-10 rule, about 70% of your posted content should be created for your brand building, either personal or of a specific company, 20% of content should be shared from trusted sources, and the other 10% should focus on self-promotional content that includes backlinks to blog or website.

If you apply this rule, it will help you make connections with potential users who can send you online gifts or donate you during streams, that is if you are on a content creation platform like Allcreate.

The 70–20–10 Rule For Content Creation You Wouldn’t Want To Miss

Source: Arinet

👉 The 70%

This rule states that 70% of content you post on social media should focus on your brand as a content creator. For example, if you are a musician, a magician or storyteller, most of your posts should help you demonstrate your talent to the audience and share your passion with the world on Allcreate.

What is brand building content?

It is content you make with an aim of establishing yourself as an expert in the field you are interested in, and this can be anything from blog posts, article writing, video content, streaming, infographics and other types of content. As you can see, 70% is a huge amount, but it will go a long way in helping you establish credibility on your account, which is also important in growing your personal brand awareness.

👉 The 20%

20% of the content you create and post on social media should be shared content from other creators.

Why is it important?

This will help you eliminate the need of always creating new content and, instead, you can share relevant posts from other online sources.

The most efficient way to apply this is by asking yourself: “Is the source I am sharing the content from with my followers trustworthy?”. You may also want to check and see if what you share can help your audience and interests other users. Remember that the content you share should always focus on your target audience. This is a critical element for your success as a content creator!

👉 The 10%

The last 10% of the content you create and post should be self-promotional. The content you post should encourage your users to follow, subscribe, share your content or visit your website. These kinds of posts should have straightforward action, or call to action, that clearly describes to the user what they need to do and what they will achieve from it.

Self-promotional posts can help drive sales or send more traffic to your social platform of choice. You will need to make the posts look attractive, so they can hook people to read them and take necessary action.

The 10% is done here to avoid annoying your readers or audience with too much promotional content. Your audience doesn’t want to feel like your main goal is to sell or make them do something for you. They want to get the ideas of how your content will benefit them.

📍The tip:

Post relevant content with intention

With the 70-20-10 formula, you don’t have to create content and post everyday to keep up with an algorithm. Current algorithms are based on engagement and interactivity of your content. According to Ann Handley, currently one of the best content creators, the content you create should have an intention.

Remember that practice makes perfect! 💪

Are you on streaming platforms like Allcreate already and are sharing your content with the audience?

Why Is Allcreate Good For Content Creators?

You can use Allcreate to create your content and share it worldwide. Allcreate believes that each content deserves a chance to be showcased and monetized.

1.   Make it easy

The platform is a convenient space for sharing content without any additional requirements, such as professional camera, editing apps or other expensive adjustments. You’ll be able to keep a consistent content posting and streaming schedule, since it’s relatively easy to use the platform.

2.   Get monetized

Need help to start creating and sharing your interests with the world? Allcreate allows you the space to express your creativity and talent without underestimation. Whether you are just starting out or have been doing content creation for a long time, you can simply sign up and organically promote your profile to be interesting to your followers. If you make a good impression with your content, users can present you with online gifts and donate.

3.   You don’t need ads

Allcreate provides you with a fair opportunity to create a community and grow followers, without the need to promote your content to stand up in a severe competition as on other platforms.

So now that you know about the good tidings waiting for you on Allcreate, what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up.

Make your content creation a success story with Allcreate!

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