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Terry Bradshaw criticized for ‘suicidal’ comments on Cardinals RB

“It’s a little dark for this audience,” Howie Long replied

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NFL Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw faces fever after commenting on suicide while referring to the Arizona Cardinals kicking James Conner out on Fox NFL Sunday.

While discussing the game between the Cardinals and the Seattle Seahawks, Bradshaw interjected his opinion when analyst Sean Payton was speaking, suggesting Conor would run the ball more often. Said he wanted to see

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“Their mentality is throw, throw, throw, throw,” said Bradshaw. “If this kid runs five or six times in a row, I think he’ll commit suicide or something.”

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Bradshaw’s on-air colleagues were quick to put a stop to the macabre comments.

“Wow, wow, wow. It’s a little dark for this audience,” said Howie Long. new york post.

“It’s a little dark for all of us,” countered Kurt Menefee.

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Unfazed, Bradshaw continued to speak and told Arizona:

People quickly turned to social media to voice their displeasure with Bradshaw’s dark comments.

“He should be fired” murmured.

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Bradshaw has had better days. Fox needs to do the right thing and prevent this old man from continuing to shame himself. ” another person wrote.

That’s not how Terry Bradshaw joked about suicide.” another chime.

Neither Fox Sports nor Bradshaw have released comments.

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Terry Bradshaw criticized for ‘suicidal’ comments on Cardinals RB

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