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Tennis influencer Rachel Stahlman raves at Paris Masters

The 30-year-old said she liked to emphasize fashion and tennis at the same time.

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Self-proclaimed “World’s #1 Tennis Influencer” Rachel Stahlman knows how to grab attention on and off the court.

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While attending the Rolex Paris Masters tournament in France this week, the 30-year-old turned heads in a black cleavage-baring V-neck top and leather jacket.

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“There’s something special about the ATP Masters 1000,” Stahlman said in an Instagram post showing off his outfit.

“The Rolex Paris Masters may be my new favorite.”

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Stuhlmann, who has 232,000 followers on Instagram, said in an interview with Jam Press that she likes to highlight fashion and tennis at the same time. It’s one of my favorite tournament aesthetics: dark, dramatic, intimate.”

“There are only a handful of indoor tournament schedules, so I love to embrace them, dress up and go to every match,” Stuhlmann told the UK Sun.

“Paris is also very romantic and I can’t wait to go back to next year’s French Open and Rolex Paris Masters.”

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Stuhlmann flies to each tennis event with an impressive sense of fashion, evidenced by over 160 Instagram posts. Later this week, she’ll be heading to San Antonio, Texas for the All-American Cup.

In between events and tournaments, Stahlman spearheads Top Court events in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, and collaborates with Tennis Hall of Famer Gigi Fernandez to run a series of clinics for players and fans. said to be hosting the

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When it comes to fashion, Stahlmann recently recreated the iconic look of former tennis player Gabriella Sabatini, who was considered a sex symbol during her heyday in the 1980s and ’90s, on Instagram. She told The Jam Press that she’s been compared to Sabatini and she wants to highlight her looks many times.

Despite her influencer status, Stahlman has a tennis background. did.

Stahlmann then focused his career on journalism and modeling before expanding his online presence to “continue to move the sport of tennis forward.”

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Tennis influencer Rachel Stahlman raves at Paris Masters

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