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Sylvester Stallone says family ‘comes first’ after divorce is called off

Marital troubles will be a key part of upcoming reality shows

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Sylvester Stallone says family is ‘first priority’ after calling off divorce.

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Hollywood legend wife Jennifer Flavin, 76, filed for divorce in August after 25 years of marriage, but the couple has daughters Scarlett, 20, Sistine, 24, and Sophia, 26. , and later reconciled the relationship.

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Stallone joined his wife and eldest daughters at the premiere of the Paramount + show “King of Tulsa” Wednesday night.

“I used to mess up my priorities, work was first, but eventually I got out of that paranoid thinking and my priorities took precedence,” Stallone said. entertainment tonight.

“I mean, you’re right, I’m actually here. That’s all.”

Even though the family is in a better place now, the couple’s marital issues will likely be an important part of the upcoming reality show.

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He previously said, “Of course it’s part of the show. It’s about John Lennon: ‘Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.’ , and hopefully engaging with people who understand how rare really good relationships are.

“Sometimes work comes first [my family], and it’s a tragic mistake that will never happen again. “

Stallone, on the other hand, described the project as “the ultimate home movie.”

“This is a chance to be with children under working conditions where they can see me moving and I can see them moving,” he said. “What you see is the real truth. This is a great opportunity.”

“I don’t think I’ll bend over to conquer it. But every time you go the other way, people say, ‘Oh, you must be in trouble.'” just against. “

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Sylvester Stallone says family ‘comes first’ after divorce is called off

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