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Spitfire shrugs off road loss, regains form at home, wins 6-3 over Frontenax

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Again, the Windsor Spitfire didn’t linger on the taste of defeat.

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The Windsor suffered their second regulation loss of the season in a 6-3 loss to the Mississauga Steelheads on Saturday, but quickly rebounded on Sunday.

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Against the second toughest defense in the league coming into the game, the Spitfire’s league-leading offense held off four players in a 6-3 victory over the Kingston Frontenacs in front of a crowd of 3,436 at the WFCU Center. scored multiple points.

Spitfire head coach Mark Savard, whose team is ranked No. and we were able to do it.” 7 Canadian Hockey League. “It’s nice to lose like we did[on Saturday]and have a chance to pick yourself up after 24 hours.”

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The Spitfires struggled to generate an attack early on, falling behind on goal twice.

After Francesco Arcuri put Frontenacs on the board first, defenseman Michael Renwick’s power play goal pulled the Spitfires at 1-1 after 20 minutes.

It took Kingston just 34 seconds to regain the lead at the start of the second period, with Maddox Caliens redirecting a pass past Spitfire goalkeeper Joey Costanzo.

“It happened before we went down,” said Spitfire forward Ethan Miedema.

Miedema overwhelmed the net defenders to tie the game 2-2.

“We have some drafted players in the back end, some who could play in the NHL one day, and two good goalkeepers,” Miedema said. “We had to work hard on the forecheck and[defense]and that created opportunities.”

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First-year defenseman Thomas Hebek scored his first points in the OHL with an assist on Miedema’s goal, and the 6-and-a-half Czech native scored his first league goal to give Windsor their first lead. I got a lot of extra taps from my teammates after 3-2.

“I’m very happy to score,” said the 18-year-old Hebek, who played for Dinamo Pardubice Junior Club in his hometown last season. “It’s been almost a year since I scored my last goal.”

A power-play goal from Matthew Soto pulled Frontenac at 3-3, but Miedema found Alex Christopoulos on the edge of the Kingston Crease and scored his team-leading 11th goal of the season with 39 seconds left on the clock. led the Windsor. Good for 4-3 after 2 periods.

“We thought we were going to get our 10th win and whatever it was, we were pretty good,” said Savard.

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Costanzo, who is unbeaten in four games, is one of them. The backup finished with 32 saves and the Spitfires were ahead 35-29 overall.

“He came here and did a great job,” Savard said. “The way he plays, I feel like another (trade) steal. The guys have confidence in him. The first man in

Jacob Mylett and Matthew Maggio, who scored three points in the game, scored the only goals in the third period to help the Spitfires pull away and improve to 10-2-3-0.

Referring to his recovery from Saturday’s loss, Miedema said, “We’re really just trying to fight back and start over with what we’re doing.” did.”

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The Spitfires are off until Thursday when the club will face the Peterborough Petes. Game time at the WFCU Center is 7:05pm.



Game overview

Sunday results

Spitfire 6 Front Tenac 3

Kingston 1 2 0 – 3

Windsor 1 3 2 – 6

Early period: 1. Kingston, Arcuri 12 (Hemstrom, Ludwinski) 5:17, 2. Windsor, Renwick 6 (Maggio, Christopoulos) 11:29 (pp). Penalties: De Angelis W (kneeing) 7:41, Hache K (holding) 10:55, Budnick K (double minor high sticking) 11:29.

Second period: 3. Kingston, Mallens 1 (Outwater, Soto) :34, 4. Windsor, Miedema 3 (Jodoin, Hebbek) 2:27, 5. Windsor, Hebek 1 (Miedema, O’Flaherty) 13:05, 6. Kingston, Soto 5 (Outwater, Arcuri) 17:12 (pp), 7. Windsor, Christopouos 11 (Miedema, Abraham) 19:21. Penalties: Barnes K (rough), McGowan K (rough), Greentree W (blind), Renwick W (rough), Ryde W (rough) 2:34, Abraham W (interference) 13:42, De Angelis W (boarding) ) 15: 19.

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Third period: 8. Windsor, Maillet 6 (Maggio) 7:12, 9. Windsor, Maggio 10 (Peer, De Angelis) 14:31. Penalties: Hache K (roughing), Miedema W (roughing) 5:46, O’Flaherty W (roughing) 10:32.

Game Statistics – SOG – Kingston 12 15 8 – 35 Windsor 7 11 11 – 29 Goal (shot save) – Kingston: Bacari (L,4-2-0-0) (29-23). ​​Windsor: Costanzo (W, 4-0-0-0) (35-32). Power Play (Goal Chance) – Kingston 1-5. Windsor 1-3. referee: Hilary Brennan (6) and Drew Jackson (21). line judge: Jordan Hartubies (57) and Jeff Rutherford (62). attribute: 3,436 at the WFCU Center.

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Spitfire shrugs off road loss, regains form at home, wins 6-3 over Frontenax

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