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Six O’Clock Solution: No Mess, Multiple Options for Roasting Tuna

You can substitute salmon or add baby greens when making this one-pot recipe.

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Easy cooking lessons are included in Melissa Clark’s new cookbook, Dinner in One (Clarkson Potter/Penguin Random House, $39.99), a 100-recipe introduction. In addition to the cleanup benefits of making dinner in just her one pot or pan, she offers a tip called her Swap It Out. For example, you can substitute salmon for tuna in today’s recipe.

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New York Times food writer and author of five previous cookbooks Clark also offers Veg It Up tips for increasing your vegetable content. Add the baby greens to this dish and simmer over low heat while stirring.

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Excellent photography by Linda Xiao adds to the charm of Dinner in One, a book for family food providers. Some recipes have long ingredient lists, but many already have a well-stocked kitchen.

Whole roasted tuna

4 servings

1 1/2 pounds (750 g) tuna, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) thick pieces

1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) kosher or coarse salt

freshly ground pepper

2 cloves of garlic, minced or finely grated

1 teaspoon of chili powder (5 mL)

4 tablespoons of butter (60 mL)

5 green onions, thinly sliced

2 jalapenos, chopped

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2 cups (500 mL) thawed frozen corn kernels

1 pint (2 cups / 500 mL) cherry tomatoes, halved

1 tablespoon (15 mL) olive oil

sliced ​​lime

flaky sea salt

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius). Sprinkle the tuna with kosher salt and pepper.

In a small bowl, mix garlic and chili powder. Rub the mixture over the tuna. Set the fish aside.

In a Dutch oven or heavy casserole (5 or 6 quarts / 20 to 24 cups) over medium heat, melt the butter until it is bubbly, light brown and nutty, 2 to 4 minutes. (Be careful not to burn the butter.)

Add the sliced ​​white part of the leek (reserve the green part for garnishing) and the chopped jalapenos. Cook until softened, about 2 minutes.

Stir in the corn and continue cooking until lightly browned, about 7 minutes.

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Stir in tomatoes and remaining kosher salt and pepper. Add tuna, pressing into vegetable mixture, and coat fish with oil.

Cover and bake in preheated oven until vegetables are tender and fish is done to your liking. For rare he is 10-13 minutes, for medium – 15-20 minutes.

Taste the corn, add salt if necessary, and add the lime juice. It is topped with green parts of scallions and flaky sea salt and served with a wedge of lime on the side.


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Six O’Clock Solution: No Mess, Multiple Options for Roasting Tuna

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