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Sean Penn Loans Oscar to Volodymyr Zelensky Until Ukraine Wins War

“If you win, bring it back to Malibu.”

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Sean Penn handed one of his two Oscar statuettes to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a sign of support for Ukraine following Russia’s aggression earlier this year.

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“This is just symbolic stupidity, but knowing this is here with you makes me feel better and stronger enough for the fight.” Please go home, because it makes me feel good to know that a part of me is here.”

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“This meeting was special,” Zelensky wrote in a post accompanying the video. “Sean brought an Oscar statuette as a symbol of faith in our country’s victory. It will be in Ukraine until the war is over.”

To express his gratitude, Zelensky awarded Penn the Order of Merit for his “sincere support to Ukraine throughout the world…”. and city street nameplates.

“There are three places in the world that I’m all proud of. The place where my daughter was born, the place where my son was born, and this place. Thank you,” Penn replied.

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After documenting the crisis in Ukraine earlier this year, Penn said he was considering fighting for the country after Russia’s aggression.

“If you’ve ever been to Ukraine,[the fighting]will cross your mind,” he said in a recent interview. hollywood authentic magazine. “And what century do you think it is now? mosquito?

Penn was in Ukraine filming a documentary about the country when Russia invaded in February.

When the Russian army descends on the country, mysterious river Starr found himself among thousands of refugees fleeing to Poland and joined the escape on foot.

Penn tweeted, “Me and two colleagues walked miles to the Polish border after leaving our car on the side of the road.” most of them have no trace of their luggage and their only valuable possession is their car.”

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The two-time Oscar winner said he probably would have joined the war had he stayed.

“Last time, the only reason I stayed so long in Ukraine was that I had a rifle, probably without body armor. As a foreigner, I want to give one of the civilian fighters body armor To a fighter who doesn’t have it, or who has more skills than me, or to a young man or woman who can fight longer. ha) would cross your mind, and what century do you think this is?

Penn’s vocal support for Ukraine prompted Russia to ban the actor from entering Ukraine.

Earlier this year, Penn threatened to sniff out the Oscars if Zelenskiy wasn’t allowed to speak at the Academy Awards.


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Sean Penn Loans Oscar to Volodymyr Zelensky Until Ukraine Wins War

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