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Ryan Reynolds says Senz is interested in him because he knows the rules

“I think I’m just a B-minus by the rules of European football. I’ve owned that team for nearly two years.”

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dead pool The reason why star Ryan Reynolds expressed interest in the possibility of winning the Ottawa Senate is pretty simple. He knows the game.

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early this month, Man Reynolds is interested in buying an NHL team from the family of the late Eugene Melnick, who died in March after a long illness.

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“I think hockey is interesting to me because I know the rules,” Reynolds, 46, said in an interview with The Postmedia this week.

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He also confirmed his interest in chatting tonight’s show Host Jimmy Fallon on Monday night.

“I’m looking to buy[the senator]but it’s very expensive, so I need a very well-financed partner,” Reynolds said.

“Forming a group to purchase an entity is called a consortium.”

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Reynolds, who was originally from Vancouver and grew up in the neighborhood of Vanier on Ottawa’s eastern edge, was reluctant to discuss why Senz was interested in the Canucks (“I won’t talk about it”. told the media).

But he has a track record of supporting charity initiatives in the country’s capital.He and his wife, actress Blake Lively, donated to the Ottawa Food Bank during the coronavirus crisis. The couple also made pledges to Ottawa and local distress centers after the nonprofit launched a fundraiser to keep the volunteer program running in 2020.

Earlier this year, outgoing Mayor Jim Watson named a street in the city Ryan Reynolds Way. “Ottawa clearly has a special place in Ryan Reynolds’ heart,” Watson said during the announcement.

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Owning a sports team is nothing new for actors. It’s always sunny in Philadelphia Star Rob McElhenney buys Welsh football club Wrexham AFC.

Wrexham owners Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney in the stands at the Racecourse Ground in Wrexham as the team play Torquay United on October 30, 2021.
Wrexham owners Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney in the stands at the Racecourse Ground in Wrexham as the team play Torquay United on October 30, 2021. Photo by Paul Burroughs /Action image via Reuters

Reynolds told The Post Media that his track record of co-owning a football team playing in the fifth tier of English football makes him cautiously optimistic that he could succeed in front of the Senators. .

“I think I’m just a B-minus of the rules of European football. I’ve owned that team for almost two years,” joked Reynolds. I’m happy — Wrexham won the FA Cup game.”

Forbes magazine currently values ​​the senator at US$525 million, and Melnik’s estate indicates the buyer should keep the team in Ottawa.

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Reynolds, who sold the Aviation American Gin brand as part of a $610 million deal in 2020, owns a stake in Wrexham, as well as an ownership interest in affordable mobile carrier Mint Mobile. He is also a director of Match. The group that owns Match.com and Tinder.

Still, Reynolds said in a chat with Fallon that he would need a well-funded partner if he was to potentially buy Senz.

“I need a sugar mama or a sugar daddy,” he said. “If that doesn’t happen, I’m going to buy a U.S. Senator that anyone can buy.”


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Ryan Reynolds says Senz is interested in him because he knows the rules

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