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Revenge Musical Sweeney Todd Returns to Windsor’s KordaZone Theater

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Can you sympathize with a razor-wielding homicidal maniac?

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Windsor actor Christopher Lawrence-Menard, who plays a key role in Sweeney Todd’s new production at the KordaZone Theater, believes so.

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“Sweeney Todd is an incredibly broken man. It’s easy to make him a villain,” Lawrence Menard told The Star. “The challenging part is not to.”

“I think the revenge plot that drives the musical is the path he started and pushed.”

Originally conceived by Stephen Sondheim, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street tells the story of a troubled barber in Victorian London who cuts more throats than hair in his quest for revenge. increase.

Windsor’s Cardinal Music teamed up with Coda Artistic Productions to bring the Lawrence Menard-led Sweeney Todd to life in 2015.

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From left: Tracy Attin, Joe Cardinal and Christopher Lawrence Menard during Sweeney Todd's Cardinal Music Production in November 2022 at the KordaZone Theater in Windsor. Taken November 9, 2022.
From left: Tracy Attin, Joe Cardinal and Christopher Lawrence Menard during Sweeney Todd’s Cardinal Music Production in November 2022 at the KordaZone Theater in Windsor. Taken November 9, 2022. Photo by Dan Janis /windsor star

Lawrence Menard said the 2022 show is a little gorier than the 2015 show, but doesn’t really emphasize the musical’s horror side.

For example, in the song “Epiphany,” which Sweeney Todd describes as “they all deserve to die,” Lawrence Menard says he chose to describe it as “separation” rather than blood lust. .

“There are options out there that you can fall back on. I think that’s really interesting.”

According to Lawrence Menard, Sweeney Todd’s true villain is the character of Mrs. Lovett, Todd’s landlord who encourages and supports his violent plans.

Tracey Atin plays Mrs. Lovett in this production. “Tracy is a good friend of mine and I’m happy to work on these roles with her,” said Lawrence Menard. It came and went.”

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In 2007, filmmaker Tim Burton famously made a movie version of Sweeney Todd, with Johnny Depp as the killer.

However, Lawrence-Menard said that while she enjoyed the film, it didn’t affect her interpretation of Sweeney Todd.

“Tim Burton is one of my favorites,” said Lawrence Menard. “Having said that, the movie is a departure from the stage version. I think Johnny Depp’s acting is a lot of fun. He seems to take a lot of joy in what he does.”

“And I think it detracts from the tragedy that Sweeney Todd suffered.”

Sweeney Todd by Cardinal Music Productions runs the weekends of November 11-13, 18-20 and 25-27 at the KordaZone Theater (2520 Seminole St.).

Friday and Saturday showtime is 8pm, Sunday showtime is 2pm.

Admission is $30. To order tickets, call 519-944-5800 or visit cardinalmusicproductions.com.


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Revenge Musical Sweeney Todd Returns to Windsor’s KordaZone Theater

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