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Recent success makes Maple Leafs ‘closer to the game we want to keep’

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The sky no longer falls on the Maple Leafs.

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Captain John Tavares is paying attention.

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A little over a week ago, the Leafs’ four-game losing streak left observers questioning the future of coach Sheldon Keef and the job of general manager Kyle Dubus to put together a roster.

Those questions are bound to find their way back to the table if the Leafs get upset again.

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Unsurprisingly, the players’ main concern was what happened in the last four games, with the Leafs scoring 7 out of 8. Impressive wins over top-flight Boston and Carolina followed wins over Philadelphia and preceded an overtime loss against Vegas on Tuesday.

“It’s a long season and there’s a lot of attention around the team, so I don’t think we’re going to get too caught up in the situation, except that we had to be a lot better than how we played,” Tavares said. “We’re in every game we’ve played. We had to be a little more connected throughout the game, play at the pace we wanted to play, and execute especially at key moments in the game.” .

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“When you win a certain moment in the game, you talk a lot about being on the right side of it. We stick to that and keep pushing and challenging each other as a group.”

After another practice on Thursday, the Leafs next play a rare back-to-back set at home on Hall of Fame weekend, facing the Pittsburgh Penguins on Friday before the Vancouver Canucks play at Scotiabank Arena on Saturday.

Commenting on the successes against Boston and Carolina, as well as the points against Vegas, forward Alex Carfoot said: We’re getting closer to games that we want to keep on a regular basis and these are three of the best teams in the league.

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Vegas won in overtime after tying the game on a short-handed goal in the third period.

“It wasn’t just how the match ended, certain structural things fell apart for us,” Carfoot said. “We gave up too much rush and they came in pretty much behind us. We were there to win the hockey game.”

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Matt Murray became a fan of Erik Kallgren.

Murray has praised Calgren’s play in recent days, but it was Calgren’s performance against Vegas that stood out.

“He’s done incredibly well for us and played great,” Murray said. “He made a lot of big saves[against the Golden Knights]. It’s a difficult game to play because of it, and he’s done the hard work for us.”

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Murray’s Leafs teammate doesn’t think it will take many runways to get him back into game mode after returning from an adductor injury.

“He’s done his job. He’ll be back,” Carfoot said. should not.

“It’s a shame he does something like that so early in the season, but injuries happen. That’s the game we play. He looks good over there. We still see him every day.” But it’s great to have him back in the mix and playing games.”

Meanwhile, fellow goaltender Ilya Samsonov skated again before his teammates practiced on Wednesday, days after hurting his knee against Boston.

“For the second day in a row[Samsonov on the ice]is a positive sign that he’s doing well,” Keef said. “He’s probably further along than we originally thought.”

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Forward Kare Jaankrok was absent from practice at the Ford Performance Center, with Keef explaining that Jaankrok was “not feeling well.” Wayne Simmons skated in place of Jerklock alongside Pierre Engvall in center and Michael Bunting on the other wing… Keef at one point added defenseman Jordy Benn to the lineup. I would like to add After injuring his groin during training camp, Ben is back in practice. “Generally, I don’t like guys sitting around too long, so we’ll look at that,” Keef said. He’s got the skill set and the (tough) style of play. , will be the only trip to Toronto in 2022-23. The club will meet in Pittsburgh next Tuesday and will meet again on November 25th.



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Recent success makes Maple Leafs ‘closer to the game we want to keep’

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