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Raptors lose Achiuwa for a while, need supporting cast to step up

Center joins Siakam on the sidelines for a while

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Make it two key forwards the Raptors will be missing for a while.

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The Raptors, who have already beaten superstar big man Pascal Siakam, announced Thursday that Precious Achiuwa will be out indefinitely with a partially torn ligament in his right ankle.

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Achiuwa was injured on a non-contact play Wednesday against the Houston Rockets. The Raptors said he will wear walking boots for the next 10 days.

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Despite averaging 8.8 points, 7.0 rebounds and 1.3 assists in 20.4 minutes in 12 games, it was a tough day for Achiuwa, who failed to live up to his team’s expectations this season. Head coach Nick Nurse said before the game that he wanted to increase Achiuwa’s playing time, but that would only be possible if he performed better, especially on defense.

Now Achiuwa has to go back every time he comes back.

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On Nov. 6, the Raptors said Siakam had a right adductor strain and would be re-evaluated in two weeks.

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Luckily for the Raptors, veteran forwards Thad Young and Otto Porter Jr. are finding the game. Porter only made his debut last week, but he already looks like he’s no stranger to offense and defense, and Young is a consummate pro. Both were key factors in their victory over Houston.

“Just the experience. Just being in the right place, focused, paying attention, always ready to call,” Fred VanVleet said when asked what the duo would bring. That’s the experience you get in this league and we’ll continue to rely on them, especially with Pascal out there.As soon as Thad checked in, I knew he changed the game with the rebound,” VanVleet said. I was.

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The team also needs a lot from rookie Christian Koroko, who is showing great flash, but has yet to find consistency and the ability to limit fouling.

“To be a rookie playing every other day, traveling like crazy and playing with a really strong, smart and tough player is a huge leap,” Nurse said of Coloko.

“This is a very good learning experience for him and for us.”

Nurse said leaving Siakam for Young could be an option, but he’s likely to stick with Coloco.

“We have to rejuvenate him a bit here and get him back on track because it was the last home game where he looked spectacular,” Nurse said.

VanVleet agreed.

“I think he needs to put his feet under him. Trial and error. He’s going to screw up. He’ll look crazy at times. No. It’s his first stint in the NBA. He’s gained valuable experience,” VanVleet said.

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“But he’s got to learn to be a pro, take care of his body, be fresh and ready for the next game, get that pop back and dunk some, some drop-offs and He needs to finish 5 and 1. Turns into 14 and 10. Maybe if he gets two and one’s, two dunks, an offensive rebound, when he’s moving he’s really good Not so much when he’s a little slow and a little hesitant.”

Veteran center Khem Birch has also suffered an injury, while Impact Reserve big man Chris Boucher has been in a slump lately after a spectacular run.

Everyone is called to help replace Siakam and Achiuwa.

Scotty Barnes returning to top gear would also help. While he hasn’t looked like himself lately, Nurse claimed he hasn’t played with his own injury problems.


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Raptors lose Achiuwa for a while, need supporting cast to step up

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