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Puppies left in rough shape in a planter outside the BC SPCA building

A Labrador Retriever crossbreed, Poppy was suffering from scabies and other ailments when she was found by SPCA staff the next day.

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A 3-month-old puppy was dropped into a planter outside the BC SPCA in the middle of the night.

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When the staff finally found her Labrador Retriever mating the next day, she was frightened, exhausted, shivering from the cold, and ravaged by scabies and other ailments.

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“This is a really heartbreaking story.

“One of our staff came to the animal center before opening and walked one of the dogs in our care and noticed movement in one of the planter boxes. When they went to see what it was, they found Poppy.

A 3-month-old puppy named Poppy was left alone overnight in the cold in a planter outside the Albani Krayoquat SPCA Community Animal Center in October.
A 3-month-old puppy named Poppy was left alone overnight in the cold in a planter outside the Albani Krayoquat SPCA Community Animal Center in October. Photo courtesy of BC SPCA

CCTV footage showed someone pulling over in the middle of the night and leaving Poppy outside the gates of the animal center. Sutter said it was particularly poignant to see Poppy try to chase them as they separated.

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“The car stopped and they grabbed the poppies and put them in planter boxes and sat in the cold for hours.”

Sutter said it’s not the first time someone has left a pet after hours, but if for some reason someone is unable to care for their pet, the SPCA is always happy to take care of it. said.

The vet determined that Poppy was suffering from scabies, skin and ear infections, and was full of parasites. She was x-rayed to rule out sex,” Sattar said.

A 3-month-old puppy named Poppy was left alone overnight in the cold in a planter outside the Albani Krayoquat SPCA Community Animal Center in October.
A 3-month-old puppy named Poppy was left alone overnight in the cold in a planter outside the Albani Krayoquat SPCA Community Animal Center in October. Photo courtesy of BC SPCA

She is on antibiotics, ear ointment, medicated bath salts, flea and tick treatment for scabies. Once she feels better, she should have a few more scabies treatments before she is spayed.

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Poppy is in the care of “a wonderful BC SPCA foster family” and has been doing well. She loves people, but she is nervous and scared in front of men.

“Poppy was very quiet and sad at first, but like most sick puppies, she is now in a better mood and has completely changed her demeanor. She is very playful and full of energy.” They are hopping and jumping like fawns,” says Sattar. “She’s sweet and sweet and she pleases everyone. Her foster parents are in love with her.”

If you can provide the care Poppy and other pets need, donate to SPCA’s Medical Fund (medical.spca.bc.ca). Upon hearing about Poppy’s plight, generous donors agreed to donate up to $5,000 for her care and the care of other animals being helped by the BC SPCA.

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Puppies left in rough shape in a planter outside the BC SPCA building

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