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Props for NHL Players November 8: Hands of Stone

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Tonight we’ll be adding some NHL player props to match the 11-game schedule. Let’s see what’s worth considering.

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*Odds as of 11am ET

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2.5 shots or more on Mark Stone’s goal +105 (FanDuel)

The Vegas Golden Knights head to Toronto tonight to take on the red-hot Maple Leafs, who have won impressive wins over Boston and the Carolinas. Vegas is also hotly contested with his seventh straight win. Stone has been a big part of this recent run, hitting six straight overs with this prop. He plays nearly 20 minutes each night, playing in every situation and giving plenty of opportunities to win the puck over the net.

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3.5 shots or more on Tage Thompson’s goal +105 (BetMGM)

Thompson has been under this stanchion in the last three games, with a total of eight shots in that time. But tonight when the Coyotes head to Buffalo, he’ll get his one of the best matchups in the NHL. Thompson still fires the puck over the net frequently, and in the last five games he has attempted 43 shots. He should be a bounce back for the Sabers’ big center man.

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Andrei Kuzmenko 0.5+ goals +325 (bet365)

The Russian rookie has started to rejuvenate recently, scoring four goals in his last two games, three of them in one against Anaheim. For the season, Kuzmenko leads the Canucks with his 31 dangerous individual scoring chances. He’s playing a strong line with Elia Petersson and Ilya Mikeyev and should be able to create chances against his defense of the hole-filled Ottawa Senators. It’s also not bad that Kuzmenko appears in the top power play unit.

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-Rob Wong (@Rob Wong34)

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Props for NHL Players November 8: Hands of Stone

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