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Prime Minister Trudeau heads to Southeast Asia for a summit meeting aimed at deepening Indo-Pacific relations

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is on his way to Southeast Asia for a series of summits aimed at deepening Canada’s presence in the Indo-Pacific.

He made his first stop in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital, where he was joined by Trade Minister Mary Ng and Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Jolie.

Prime Minister Trudeau arrived today at the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, a group of 10 countries negotiating a trade deal with Canada.

On Monday, Prime Minister Trudeau is heading to Indonesia for the G20 summit in Bali, where he is putting pressure on the world’s largest economy to block Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The summit is intended to focus on strengthening the health system and enhancing food and energy security, which Trudeau claims Russia has weakened.

Trudeau will then spend the night in Bangkok, Thailand, to meet with fellow leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group before heading to Tunisia.

This report by the Canadian Press was first published on November 11, 2022.

Prime Minister Trudeau heads to Southeast Asia for a summit meeting aimed at deepening Indo-Pacific relations

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