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Prime Minister says foreign actors are playing ‘aggressive game’ with Canadian democracy, institutions

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says foreign rogues are playing an “aggressive game” against Canadian democracy, saying Canadian security services tasked with countering foreign influence operations in Canada promised on Monday to support

Trudeau was responding to a Global News article that reported that Canadian intelligence officials had warned him in January about China’s campaign to interfere in the 2019 federal election.

Sources globally tell a series of Canadian Security Intelligence Agency (CSIS) briefing notes to the prime minister, and several ministers say China will covertly fund 11 candidates in the 2019 federal elections. Sources told Global that the briefing did not identify a candidate.

The briefing note further alleges that China worked to get its own representatives into lawmakers’ offices.

“Unfortunately, we are seeing countries and state actors around the world, whether China or not, continue to play aggressive games against our institutions and our democracy,” Trudeau said Monday. said at a press conference.

“The world is changing, and sometimes in very frightening ways. We need to enable those tasked with keeping us safe every day to do so. It’s the tools and resources you need.”

Prime Minister Trudeau has not promised to introduce new laws to crack down on foreign influence activities in Canada.

“There are already significant laws and measures that our intelligence and security agencies must take against foreign actors operating in Canada,” he said.

“We will continue to make sure they have the resources they need, stay true to our values, and provide more tools where needed to ensure the safety and protection of Canadians. We will continue to consider offering it.”

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the Chinese government “has no interest in Canada’s internal affairs.”

“Relations between nations can only be built on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and relations between China and Canada are no exception,” Zhao Lijan said at a news conference on Tuesday.

“The Canadian side should stop making statements that damage bilateral relations.”

Prime Minister says foreign actors are playing ‘aggressive game’ with Canadian democracy, institutions

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