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Packers fan Lil Wayne says team should have ditched Aaron Rodgers

Grammy-winning rapper declares ‘RIP to the season’

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Green Bay Packers superfan Lil Wayne has declared the 2022 edition team buried for dead after a 15-6 loss to the dreaded Detroit Lions. Even worse, the music icon thinks the club made a mistake by not trading quarterback Aaron Rodgers during the offseason.

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“In line with the season” The Grammy-winning rapper tweeted After the Packers lost five straight games. “We should have eliminated 12 before the season.”

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Wayne is a loyal cheesehead who has appeared at Lambeau Field during past playoff runs. green and yellowthe team’s unofficial anthem.

During a 2015 chat with ESPN first takeWayne explained how his Packers fandom spread to Super Bowl XXXI when his dad watched the team beat the New England Patriots in New Orleans.

“The Packers won and the Pops came home with all the cups, towels and Packers,” he said.

But keepsakes weren’t meant to be kept in cupboards. As the family struggled to make ends meet, they used up all the souvenirs bought by their father.

He explains: It takes some getting used to…they are put in real towels. You bathe and use those towels every day and those cups are used every day. Every day I had to use Green Bay Packers cups, Green Bay Packers towels…I will forever be Green Bay is a fan of ”

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After the Packers’ loss at the hands of the Lions on Sunday, Green Bay fell 3-6 on the season. Future Hall of Fame quarterback Rodgers has a historically bad losing streak, throwing three interceptions, including two inside the end zone.

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Rodgers’ failure marked the first time in his career that he recorded multiple red zone interceptions. It was also the reigning MVP’s first multi-intercept his game against a divisional opponent in nearly his decade.

Meanwhile, the Lions went into the game with the worst defense in the NFL.

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The Packers are now 3-6 on a five-game losing streak, and are off to their worst start in 15 years. Heading into next week against the 6-2 Dallas Cowboys, he’s four ahead of the No. 1 Minnesota Vikings in the NFC North.

Last month, Rodgers went viral when he accused a teammate of lashing out. “A player who makes too many mistakes should not play,” Rodgers said. Pat McAfee Shaw“We’ve got to start cutting some reps. Maybe give those who aren’t playing a chance.”


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Packers fan Lil Wayne says team should have ditched Aaron Rodgers

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