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Notley says NDP will settle Alberta’s outstanding oil and gas taxes

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Alberta opposition leader Rachel Notley told local government leaders Wednesday that oil and gas companies will be forced to pay overdue property taxes under the NDP government.

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In a speech to Alberta Municipalities and Municipalities (RMA) members, Notley said local governments are feeling the effects of state funding cuts, bearing the cost of some businesses that continue to ignore back taxes. I was.

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In March, the RMA calculated total outstanding oil and gas assets. Tax burden of $253.7 million.

“We need to make some significant reforms in the Alberta Energy Regulatory Authority. We need to get to the bottom of this issue. , will solve this problem, and that is a promise you can make to your bank.

Notley told reporters following his speech that he declined to provide specific details on how the NDP would do it before full consultation, but it does business in this area. He said it was to send a message to businesses that they needed to pay taxes.

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“We stand ready to talk[with AER]and make legislative changes where necessary so that AER can tie the unpaid tax issue to subsequent decisions,” Notley said.

RMA President Paul McLoughlin told reporters on Wednesday that businesses have a legal obligation to clean wells and the government should ban operations until they do.

“I think the solution is simple,” he said.

Municipal Affairs Minister Rebecca Schultz said in a speech at the RMA on Tuesday that the UCP government will address outstanding oil and gas property taxes, improve transportation infrastructure, rural crime, police, affordable housing and mental health. After he said he would work on health and addiction support and economic growth. , and community safety.

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In Notley’s speech, which also touched on issues of healthcare, investment and affordability, the opposition leader said the biggest challenge facing rural communities was the disruption of local healthcare.

She also spoke of Prime Minister Daniel Smith’s intention to consult former President Donald Trump’s medical adviser, who called the COVID-19 vaccine a “biological weapon,” saying that dabbling in such a conspiracy would jeopardize medical care. I was concerned that it might stabilize.

What message do you think is being sent to overworked frontline professionals, and what makes them more likely to stay or come here in Alberta? I don’t think so,” said Notley. Details have yet to be announced, but she reiterated her promise to launch the state’s largest healthcare recruitment strategy.

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Notley also contrasts Smith’s approach to negotiations with the federal government, noting her work to build public support across the country to pressure the federal government to purchase the Trans Mountain Pipeline. did.

“Negotiations with Ottawa were a little heated at times. Words were exchanged, but not everything could be reproduced on the mic,” says Notley. She argued that the NDP’s strategy had achieved more than was achieved by Smith’s proposed sovereignty laws, which, as promised, would allow states to refuse to enforce federal laws and policies.

“TMX would never have been built under the methods and ideas put forward by the current Prime Minister,” said Notley.



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Notley says NDP will settle Alberta’s outstanding oil and gas taxes

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