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No charges after police chase of two dead in Montreal

Evidence does not indicate criminal conduct by Sûreté du Québec police, the Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales said on Tuesday.

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The Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales (DPCP) announced Tuesday that no police officers on the Sûreté du Québec will be charged in a case involving a police chase that resulted in the death of a Montreal man and a teenager.

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Following an investigation by the Independent Investigation Bureau (BEI), the body that conducts investigations when police intervention causes death or serious injury, the DPCP concluded that the evidence does not indicate criminal conduct by police officers. .

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A DPCP statement details the timeline for the incident that occurred in Montreal on December 17, 2021. A police officer driving on the Decariye highway came across a car they thought was popular with thieves, so the license plate was examined and found to be that of a woman in her 40s.

The statement said that after two young men were found on board, officers tried to pull them over for checking. I managed to lose sight of the police officer who was cornered.

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According to the statement, when police managed to pass the truck, they saw sparks after the car made a sharp left turn out of an uphill exit. could only find the bumper and realized that the car must have fallen off the edge of the overpass.

Called in for help, police found a car under a highway overpass and two dead bodies, a young man and a teenage man, thrown from it. both died.

“In this case, all the evidence points to the officers’ actions not being involved in the accident,” the DPCP said. “Reconstructionist reports and images captured by the Quebec Ministry of Transport’s surveillance cameras corroborate the police’s version to the effect that the fleeing vehicle was traveling at high speed when it hit a cement wall. The police car had a good distance behind it.”

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No charges after police chase of two dead in Montreal

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