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Majority of Canadians Back Face Mask Mandate: Poll

According to a new survey conducted by Nanos Research, most Canadians say they support, or share some support for, mandatory face masks in indoor public spaces this fall if authorities deem it necessary. increase.

A poll conducted for CTV News found that 7 in 10 Canadians (52%) supported reinstating mandatory face masks, while 3 in 10 (22%) opposed it. . Additionally, 17% said they supported the mandate to some extent, while 8% said they were somewhat opposed.

Nationally, Canadians across provinces agree evenly with the mandate’s ideas, with most provinces reaching 60% or more agreement. British Columbia reports the highest support for him at 72%, followed by Ontario at 71.4%, Atlantic at 71.3%, Quebec at 65.3% and Prairie at 62.9%.

Of those who disagreed, Prairie respondents had the highest percentage at 36.4%, followed by Quebec at 32.3%, Atlantic at 28.7%, BC at 27.3% and Ontario at 26.9%. .

72.6% of women were more likely to agree to return the mandate, compared to 64.4% of men who said yes.

The survey found that 34% of men oppose mandates, compared to 26.1% of women.

Both women and men over the age of 55 agreed more strongly than any other age group to a virtual resurgence of face mask use, with 82.8% saying they would support it. The age group most opposed to the mandate was She’s 18 to She’s 34, with 44.3% of the survey results showing she was against it.

Most states lifted masking requirements earlier this year, and within the past few months, the federal government has ended COVID-19 border restrictions, including wearing face masks on planes and trains. But amid a resurgence of cases of respiratory illness in hospitals, there is growing debate about whether reinstatement of face mask mandates is necessary.

Hospitals are already overwhelmed with cases of respiratory illness, especially among children, and some health experts, such as Ontario’s chief physician, have recommended that the public wear masks ahead of the difficult winter season. We are reviving what we do.

Using files from CTV News Toronto


As part of an omnibus survey from October 30 to November 4, Nanos surveyed 1,084 Canadians aged 18 and over on RDD dual-frame (landline and mobile) hybrid phones and online wireless. Conducted an investigation. Participants were randomly recruited by telephone using a live agent and conducted the survey online. Samples included both land-based and cell lines from across Canada. Results are statistically checked and weighted by age and gender using the latest census information, and the sample is geographically stratified to be representative of Canada.

Individuals were called using random number dialing with a maximum of 5 callbacks. The margin of error for this survey is 3.0 percentage points, 19 out of 20. The research was commissioned by CTV News and conducted by Nanos Research. Note: Charts may not total 100 due to rounding.

Majority of Canadians Back Face Mask Mandate: Poll

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