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Madonna confuses fans by twerking in lingerie

“Her eyes… are like nothing. Is she there?

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After baffling fans with her resemblance to shock rocker Marilyn Manson last month, Madonna has again puzzled fans after posting a video of herself twerking in lingerie on TikTok.

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of like a prayer The 64-year-old hitmaker wore a black bra and fishnet stockings and danced like LeCrob while licking his lips sultry. L$D Play in background.

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“It’s starting to scare me now,” one person wrote in a comment. “why?”

“What did she do to herself?” asked another fan.

“Her eyes… are like blanks. Is she there? A third asked anxiously, and a fourth said, ‘I’m not going to lie. I love Madonna, but this is a tragedy.’ I lamented.

Madonna Photo by TikTok

However, the video, which has been viewed more than 1.1 million times and garnered more than 38,000 likes, has many fans claiming that Madonna was just doing her usual thing of expressing herself.

“When I’m her age, I want to be free, full of life, and carefree,” one supporter commented.

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“Madonna has always been controversial. Why did you think she would change with age? The second defended, the third simply called her a ‘legend.’

Madonna’s recent TikTok posts have caused fans online to speculate about her mental state.

The Grammy winner shared another clip to Instagram after the Queen of Pop revealed she was gay in a video posted to TikTok in October.

Madonna Photo credit: Instagram

“What happened to her? She doesn’t look like she used to,” one Instagram user wrote in the comments on Madonna’s post.

“Who are you? Who’s the Madonna impersonator? I don’t recognize you,” a second person commented. hung up The singer’s pink hair, bleached eyebrows and plump lips.

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“I’m sorry…but this looks scary.” It’s sad.

Elsewhere, several other posters accused her of channeling shock rocker Marilyn Manson.

“Sorry, you look like that heavy rock singer (Marilyn Manson)!” one swiped. “Celebrities exaggerate with unrecognizable plastic surgery! Getting older is a good thing. It’s a sign that we’re alive. A lot of people don’t get the chance to go there. You were so beautiful.” …”

Sorry, this video could not be loaded.

Madonna lip-synced to Baby Keems last week Dischargecontains the lyric “Have you ever been punched in the face by your mother’s king?”

Who are you? ? And what have you done to the real old icon Madonna?? Not even my 24 year old son behaves like this!!‘ commented one critic.

Another addition, “It’s getting weirder!!!”


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Madonna confuses fans by twerking in lingerie

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