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Live: Watch Vancouver’s Remembrance Day ceremony at Victory Square

Thousands of people gathered at ceremonies around Metro Vancouver on Friday to honor veterans.

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Thousands of people gather in cities across Canada to honor the sacrifices of those who fought for their country.

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Vancouver will host an in-person Remembrance Day event this year at Victory Square at 200 West Hastings Street. Beginning at 10:30am, it includes choirs and soloists, prayers and speeches, his two-minute silence at 11:00am, and a wreath-laying and parade that follows the service around 11:20am.

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You can watch a live stream of the event starting at 10:30 am on the City of Vancouver Facebook page.

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Reporter Susan Lazarck covers the Postmedia Friday ceremony.

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Attending today’s ceremony is Percy J. Smith, a World War II veteran who will turn 100 next year.

After Andy Greenwood played O Canada, the Vancouver Bach Youth Choir sang Hallelujah on bagpipes.

Vancouver Mayor Ken Shim thanked young Sapphire Penn for reading the inspirational poem she wrote. The money comes from a scholarship established in honor of Cassart, Victory Square’s anniversary host, who started a tradition of inviting young people to read original poems at the ceremony. Kurthart died last year at the age of 83.

“Kam will involve young people on Remembrance Day to remember the sacrifices our military has made to keep our country safe and provide us with the freedoms we enjoy today. I was passionate about it,” Sim said.

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“Thank you Cam for supporting young authors (like Penn). This ceremony will allow us to continue to hear the powerful and inspiring words of our young people for years to come.” .”

Thousands of participants fell silent for a traditional silence at 11:00 am. The expected showers held out long enough for the RCAF CP140 Aurora and Poppy Flight flyby.

Drivers heading downtown for the event were reminded that the roads were closed until 4:00 p.m.

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Here’s a map of the event provided by the City of Vancouver:

For more ceremonies happening around Metro Vancouver, check out our Anniversary 2022: Guide to Events in Metro Vancouver.

what are people saying?

Prime Minister John Hogan: “We come together in a moment of silence filled with our personal thoughts about the horror and pain of war. At memorials across BC, we stand alongside the veterans, military and merchant sailors who have bravely served their country.”

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Live: Watch Vancouver’s Remembrance Day ceremony at Victory Square

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