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Link Queen Paige Spiranac Condemns Fake Instagram Account

Some fans have promised a date with the 29-year-old.

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You’d think golf glamor girl Paige Spiranac was trapped in a sand trap from hell.

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But she is not.

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It’s worse.

The most followed golfer on Instagram — with 3.2 million fans, thanks to you — has complained about numerous fake and counterfeit accounts bearing her name. And scammers are getting rich from her gadfly fans of golf.

Paige Spiranac warns fans to beware of fake accounts claiming to be her. Instagram
Paige Spiranac warns fans to beware of fake accounts claiming to be her. Instagram

According to Spiranac, who took to her podcast, Playing A Round, to lash out at villains demanding her hard-earned fan money, she’s a victim of identity theft.

Some fans have been promised a date with the 29-year-old former professional golfer.

She provided fans with tips for finding the right Paige.

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She said: “Are you talking to me or is it a fake account? Which one! Is the message coming from a verified account? If so, it’s me. Is the message being sent from an account with my name on Zero? It’s not me, it’s a fake account.

“If this account asks for money, iTunes or Applebee gift cards, or relationships, it’s not me. If this person insists on talking to you on WhatsApp or Google Hangouts, it’s not me.” .

“If you show me a badly doctored passport, driver’s license, or an old Instagram photo of me to prove it’s me, it’s not me.

“If this person calls you dear, honey, handsome, dear friend, dear fan, my fan, it’s not me.

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“Well, I hope it helps the next time you come across a fake page. Pun intended. Don’t forget to report and block if it’s not from my verified account.” ”

Spiranak, meanwhile, has opened up a bit about the new man in her life after her divorce was finalized eight months ago. But he doesn’t have to wait for a name.

“I’ve found someone now who has a really great career. He works insane hours and doesn’t have social media. And we’re polar opposites in many ways,” she said. , added that the new lover “loves to work.”

“It’s part of his identity. It’s what brings him the greatest happiness.”



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Link Queen Paige Spiranac Condemns Fake Instagram Account

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