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Likes on Ryan Reynolds’ Instagram post anger Wrexham City Councilman

Nonetheless, Ottawa senator’s suitors are one step closer to ‘freedom of Wrexham’ citizen honor

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Ottawa senator suitor Ryan Reynolds is one step closer to the honor of being a ‘freedom of Wrexham’ citizen, but not before the co-owner of the Welsh City football team has drawn the ire of conservative council members. I didn’t.

Two weeks ago, Reynolds “liked” Wrexham AFC’s leading scorer Paul Marin on Instagram. While the club did not allow Marin to wear boots, Reynolds’ “likes” were enough to warrant two “no” votes at the city’s Executive Council meeting on Tuesday.

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Conservative City Councilman Hugh Jones In voting against a motion to grant Reynolds and his Wrexham AFC co-owner Rob McElhenney the freedom of Wrexham, the city’s highest honor, he described Mullin’s slogan as a “message of hate.”

“I’ve seen the nature of freedom and the fact that it is bestowed upon people who have made a significant contribution to a prominent person or place,” Jones told The Reader.

“I fully understand your passion for Wrexham Football Club. But for me, the timing and values ​​and priorities are wrong. We are giving freedom when one of the owners likes an Instagram post containing the same hateful message.”

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Wrexham AFC said in a statement that these particular cleats were not worn at any of the team’s games and that the photos taken at home field were taken without permission. “In the club We have taken a neutral position on many issues that have a political dimension and will continue to do so. ”

Marin hails from nearby Liverpool, home to the credible Labor Party.

Despite Jones’ objections, the motion passed and will be sent to the full council next month for final approval.

“It was a very positive meeting and the recommendations were passed 9 to 2,” Wrexham deputy leader David Bithell said in an email to the newspaper. “Everyone has a right to have their say, but as far as the Council is concerned, I am happy to support Rob and Ryan and the Football Club.”

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Earlier this week, the city approved a 5,000-seat expansion of the club’s historic racetrack stadium.

Reynolds, the Hollywood A-list star of the Deadpool movie franchise, confirmed Monday that he’s interested in acquiring The Senators, which were officially put up for sale last week by Eugene Melnick’s daughters, Olivia and Anna Melnick.

Appearing on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Reynolds said interest in the team is genuine, but he needs a “sugar mummy or sugar daddy” to join the consortium and raise money. The legislator’s fortune is estimated at about $650 million, far more than the $2.5 million spent by Reynolds and McElhenney to buy Wrexham AFC.

Reynolds, who grew up in Vancouver and spent part of his childhood in Vanier, joked with Fallon about his alternate plans if the Ottawa Senate bid failed.

“Buy a U.S. Senator that anyone can buy”

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Likes on Ryan Reynolds’ Instagram post anger Wrexham City Councilman

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