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Letter of the Day: “Bringing to Life” the Ottawa River.premier and health

The NCC is not alone in promoting healthy water activities in the capital.

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A long history of river activity

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Re: Ottawa Riverkeeper found a new home in NCC’s converted boathouse on October 28th.

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Ottawa’s Riverkeeper plans to transform NCC’s River House “from a formerly private property into a public property for all to enjoy,” and the NCC plans to develop and revitalize the Ottawa River shoreline. I’m glad to hear you’re standing.

These initiatives must be seen in the long history of River House and the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club. ONEC owned from 1922 until 2013 he built a boathouse in 1923. Although a private club, ONEC and its predecessor club have played a public role in Ottawa during his 139 years. During the 1920s and 1930s, the club hosted national canoeing and swimming regattas, attracting hundreds and sometimes thousands of spectators. It was also the social center of Ottawa. Dances at the Boathouse sometimes drew as many as 1,000 guests.

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For the past 70 years, ONEC has primarily been a sailing, rowing and tennis club. It continued to play a public role, training young sailors and tennis players, organizing sporting events and, until recently, hosting weddings and other events.

ONEC and its predecessor clubs have promoted water sports on the Ottawa River from 1883, when the Ottawa Canoe Club was formed, to the present day. In 2022, over 300 children enjoyed sailing, boating, paddling and tennis camps. Thousands of young people have attended his ONEC camps over the last 100 years. In addition to the skills they have acquired, we hope that these young people will develop a deeper connection to the Ottawa River and its natural abundance.

NCC focuses on the development and animation of the Ottawa River. That’s good, but let’s not forget that the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club and watersports clubs such as the Ottawa Rowing Club and Britannia Yacht Club have focused and ‘animated’ the Ottawa River since the 19th century. not. They still have a lot to contribute and the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club, which is currently negotiating a lease for part of the NCC River House, intends to remain focused on the river.

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Alan McCullough, Ottawa

Prime Minister is not honest about health

I’m sick of the “Prime Minister of Canada” claiming in a recent half-page ad that “when federal healthcare funding runs out, so do nurses.”

Federal cash benefits for health are increasing each year at agreed accelerators. The Prime Minister conveniently forgets that the tax point portion of the federal transfer they wanted will also grow (and they’re leaving it out of the health transfer story, of course).

In fact, federal transfers for health also include special transfers for specific needs (COVID-esque) spent on tax cuts, cash giveaways, deficit reduction, unnecessary highways, and more. In many cases, it was not used healthily as intended.

So please forgive these lies and exaggerations. In fact, many, or perhaps most, of us are in favor of federal funding with strings attached, as intended.

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LJ Ridgeway, Ottawa

Who is spitting on whom?

Re: Deachman: November is “Clean Speech Month”.That’s why $%&@#*! Problem, Nov 1.

It’s offensive that Bruce Deachman writes about pro-life people spitting on others. Sure there may be some spitting going on, but I can assure the columnist.

I would love to meet Dietchmann at one of these peaceful and prayerful Witness places anytime.

Patricia Maloney, Ottawa

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Letter of the Day: “Bringing to Life” the Ottawa River.premier and health

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