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Letter of November 10, 2022

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Oil and gas is the solution, not the problem

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The work of Calgary’s Energy Transition Center is just one example of how Alberta’s non-renewable energy industry, rather than the federal government, can lead Canada and the world toward an inevitable renewable energy future. This is largely unacceptable in Ottawa, where revenue/royalties are actually being held back by Bill C48/69, which is preventing the acceleration of the energy future we all want.

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I implore the federal government to remove the shackles and repeal both bills so that Canada can not only get to work faster creating its future, but also rebuild our country’s dire financial situation. To do.

Dr. Bob McCann, Strathmore

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Solving the climate problem is a costly proposition

Canada emits less than 2% of the world’s CO2. China, India and the United States combined make her more than 80% of her production. Governments are spending trillions of dollars on “decarbonisation”. Calgary City Council spends nearly $500 million on 20 electric buses.

Canada’s NET zero policy and ever-increasing carbon tax combined with inflation will only help bankrupt Canadians, but that’s the goal, right?

Mandy Koch, Calgary

By-elections do not fulfill many obligations

Medicine Hat Brooks’ turnout was 12,695 out of 34,532 total eligible voters, or 36.76%. This is a sadly low voter turnout by voters in that constituency.

Of those 12,696, only 54.5% or 6,919 voted for Daniel Smith. Mikaela Frey wins Medicine Hat Brooks with 61% of the vote.

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According to StatsCan, Alberta currently has a population of just over 4.5 million.

Bottom line: There is still no sign of strong support for Smith from conservatives, and unless her UCP wins the next election, there is still no obligation for her to do anything.

Mike Priaro, Calgary

Oil Patch Temporary Forward Step

Re: Oil Patches Embrace New Incentives After Smoke Day In Ottawa, Opinion Nov 5

Chris Varcoe’s article was a breath of fresh air. It looks like consensus building with various stakeholder groups could begin.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland was cautiously positive (Prime Minister may read the Herald). Oil and Gas Association Chairman Burton, Goodman, Dilling and Enbridge’s Al His Monaco Chairman were positive of Ottawa’s efforts to attract investment in decarbonization and clean energy. Jan Gorski, director of the Pembina Institute, which is very influential on the issue of net-zero futures, was “almost” positive, although he always called for more investment in emissions reductions.

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In today’s environment, this is a win.

Brian McConaghy, Heritage Pointe

Who is overseeing the health of the people of Alberta?

The Prime Minister’s rash decision to fire Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw has left Albertans wanting to know who is giving her advice. Apparently, advisors are already in place. Their advice affects the health of all Albertans.

Especially with the alarming increase in COVID, RSV and influenza infections, they have a right to know their entitlements and positions regarding viral care. Otherwise, I don’t know if I’m being held hostage by “conspiracy health theorists”. How horrible.

Elaine Proulx, Calgary

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Letter of November 10, 2022

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