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Labor Commission rules legality of Ontario education strike

TORONTO — Members of the Union of Civil Servants of Canada (CUPE) hold a daylong demonstration in Queens Park on Monday as they continue to protest government laws that have imposed contracts on 55,000 rural education workers and stripped them of their right to strike. is planned.

The protests come as CUPE, the state government, parents and students await a decision by the Ontario Labor Relations Commission on the legality of the strike that began Friday after thousands of workers left their jobs.

Although the government is seeking a ruling that their strike was illegal, CUPE claims the labor action is a form of legitimate political protest.

Board Chairman Brian O’Byrne pledged to make a decision as soon as possible after listening to the debate for 16 hours on Saturday and another 8 hours on Sunday.

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Multiple unions planning massive strikes across Ontario to protest Ford government: sources

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CUPE has scheduled a press conference Monday morning, where the union’s national president will join national and state labor leaders to discuss their opposition to Bill 28.

The strike closed a number of schools across the state on Friday, with more set to close Monday if work stoppages continue.

© 2022 The Canadian Press

Labor Commission rules legality of Ontario education strike

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