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Jennifer Aniston talks about fertility treatments

“We speculated for years and years and years…it was really hard.”

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For the first time, Jennifer Aniston opens up about the struggles of having children and her experience with IVF.

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53 years old friend The star didn’t say when she tried to conceive, but Allure In a new cover story, she says she has “zero regrets” about how her life has turned out.

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“It’s been years and years of speculation… It’s been really hard,” she said in a candid new interview. …I went through IVF and drank Chinese tea.I was throwing everything into it.If someone told me to “freeze your eggs”, I would have given anything thank you. you just don’t think about it.

Aniston also addressed speculation that she chose acting over having children with first husband Brad Pitt, whom she was married to for five years.

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“It was a complete lie,” Aniston said of rumors that she cared about her career. The reason why we broke up and ended our marriage was because I didn’t give him a child.

Before marrying Justin Theroux in 2015, Aniston dated Vince Vaughn and John Mayer following her split from Pitt.

“Don’t ever say that, but I’m not interested at all,” she said. “I love relationships. It would be great if you could go home and fall into someone’s arms and say, ‘I had a hard time that day. “

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morning show The star went on to add that she was “really tough” in her 30s and 40s, but credited that period in her life for helping her become who she was supposed to be. “That’s why I’m so grateful for all of those things. Otherwise I would have been stuck with this person who was so scary, so nervous, and didn’t know who he was. And “Now I don’t care,” she said.

The Emmy-winning actress is happy with how her life has unfolded and isn’t stuck in the past.

“I am here today. The ship has sailed,” she said. “‘Are you sure? You don’t have to think about that anymore.'”

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This isn’t the first time Aniston has discussed how hurtful it was to read gossip about her personal life and the fact that she doesn’t have children.

Last year in a long profile hollywood reporterAniston addressed how past stories in the press tried to shape the way people thought about her, pushing her chosen narrative of “career over children.”

“I was taking it all very personally. Pregnancy rumors and ‘Oh, she chose a career over the assumption of a child.’ I have no idea what’s going on, why can’t I have kids…can I have kids?’ They didn’t know anything and were really hurt and uncomfortable. ”


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Jennifer Aniston talks about fertility treatments

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