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Ireland must change law to ratify Canada-EU trade deal, Supreme Court rule – country

Ireland’s Supreme Court ruled on Friday that parliament cannot ratify the European Union’s free trade deal with Canada unless the law is changed.

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) provides for the elimination of tariffs on 99% of all types of goods traded between the EU and Canada, some for up to seven years.

It has been in force provisionally since September 2017 and has so far been ratified by 16 of the 27 EU member states, with the German coalition agreeing to add signatures in June.

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The Irish government intended to do so through a vote in parliament once the legal hurdles were cleared. Deputy Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said last year that the postponement would send the wrong message about Ireland’s commitment to trade.

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But members of the ruling coalition challenged it in court, arguing that the deal should be put to a referendum as its ratification could affect its ability to introduce regulations, particularly those related to the environment. .

The Supreme Court has ruled that the deal is unconstitutional as Irish law is currently in force and that Parliament must amend the Arbitration Act to allow ratification.

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Lawsuit lawmaker Patrick Costello is a member of the junior Greens coalition, and the two larger ruling parties will need the support of their smaller partners to pass a bill that removes barriers to ratification.

Irish citizens have the right to vote on major changes to EU law, and have twice delayed European integration by vetoing a referendum before concessions were offered and finally passed.

Ireland must change law to ratify Canada-EU trade deal, Supreme Court rule – country

Source link Ireland must change law to ratify Canada-EU trade deal, Supreme Court rule – country

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