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In Ontario, 92% of licensed child care providers have opted into the $10 a day program.

Canadian Press has learned that 92% of Ontario’s licensed childcare providers have signed up for a $10 a day nationwide childcare program.

Nov. 1 was the cut-off date for healthcare providers – which was extended from the original Sept. 1 date to gain more utilization – government sources said they decided to opt out. Only 7% opted out and 1% did not opt ​​out.decision

Government sources say more money has already started flowing to parents to reimburse some of the tuition fees paid since April.

Parents will receive up to a 25% rebate, backdated to April 1, plus an average of 50% reduction in fees by the end of the year. Fees are expected to drop to an average of $10 a day for him by September 2025.

Daycare centers that didn’t decide either way can opt-in until the end of the year in 2022, which is also the program’s deadline for opt-in next year, according to sources.

The government is currently working on a discussion paper aimed at establishing new funding schemes for the program beyond 2024, how to create tens of thousands more childcare spaces and recruit and retain more staff. We plan to start discussions on

Carolyn Fernes, policy coordinator for the Ontario Coalition for Better Parenting, recently said the government needs to develop a truly cost-based financing scheme, complete with a budget submission process.

“I think they need to make the talks as open and transparent as possible,” she said.

“We need to take stronger accountability measures so that we can’t really, absolutely blame that this is billions of dollars of public money and it is well spent. It should be next year.”

The Department of Education has made a number of changes to its funding model for this year and next year to try to alleviate concerns, mostly from commercial businesses, about their ability to opt in and continue operating. This change resulted in a simple “revenue substitution” model. This means that if the parent gets half the fee, the operator will get the full amount by taking that amount from the government.

The department has removed previous language that capped “unjustified” profits and a list of ineligible expenses such as property taxes. Some operators were worried that if they opted into the program they would not have enough money to make those payments and would not get any revenue from their parent company. Fees have been cut.

In Ontario, 92% of licensed child care providers have opted into the $10 a day program.

Source link In Ontario, 92% of licensed child care providers have opted into the $10 a day program.

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