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How to screw up the hiring process

Recently, a new report shed light on just how bad it is for organizations looking to add staff.According to software company Bullhorn, 75% of Gen Z candidates have a poor hiring process. Because of this, I am declining to apply for jobs that interest me.Specializing in the recruitment industry.

The report predicts that by 2025 Gen Z employees will make up 27% of the global workforce.

Andre Mileti, Product Evangelist, Talent Experience, Bullhorn, said:

“Talent is abandoning their online shopping carts at the same rate they are abandoning their online shopping carts in search of a better deal or faster delivery. I’ve applied for a lot of jobs in the time it took me.”

Better opportunities beckon

But why are these workers looking elsewhere?

A survey of 1,000 North American-based Gen Z candidates in the summer of 2022 found that the most common reason for abandoning a potential job application was completion of other hiring processes. Being able to get better opportunities while waiting to do it (31%).

However, many also complained about the general lack of communication from recruiters (17%), the process taking too long (14%), or being too complicated (13%). leaking.

Paying prospects for their time may be one means of discouraging these young candidates from looking elsewhere.

Employers like FoodShare pay people for their time.

If a job seeker is interviewed at the Food Justice Organization in Toronto, they will be awarded $75. If she goes to a second interview, she’s also paid $75 plus an hourly rate for the position she’s applying for if she’s asked to prepare some kind of presentation.

FoodShare executive director Paul Taylor said it’s about respecting the people who put in the time and effort to prepare for and interview them.

“We feel that employers are allowed to get off the hook, such as paying for transportation, paying for childcare, costs associated with taking time off, and time spent preparing reviews, research and presentations. There are countless hours by not having to compensate future candidates.”

how bad

The practice could become more common in the future and could help alleviate labor shortages, but a new report from Australia’s Robert Half shows just how serious the problem is. .

According to the report, 66% of workers declined a job offer they had already accepted, and 54% declined to accept a better offer.

Additionally, 21% of workers said they would be willing to quit their job during the probationary period. Here’s why:

  • Poor corporate culture (53%)
  • Better offer (43%)
  • Job does not match what was advertised (40%)

Nicole Gorton, director of Robert Half Australia, stressed the importance of building a “strong rapport” with new hires through open and constant communication.

“Retaining top talent doesn’t end when you sign a contract. Once a candidate accepts a role, it’s imperative to build a strong relationship with them by maintaining communication. It’s nothing new. But many companies today still allow for a communication gap between the moment a deal is signed and a new hire’s first day,” she said.

While these seemingly mundane basic needs are sometimes ignored by businesses, organizations must not forget something that millennials and Gen Z really care about: social justice.

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of workers want their employers to take a public stand on social issues, according to a recent survey by JobSage in Austin, Texas.

“Don’t just take into account what you’re hearing from candidates and current employees. There’s also a lot of people who haven’t even made it to your inbox because of what you’ve done or what you’ve done. JobSage co-founder and COO Kelli Mason said:

She said the majority of respondents (24%) had actually declined a job offer or decided not to buy because of the company’s public stance on social issues, or lack thereof.

messaging problem

The message to employers, she said, is not just to make the organization’s position known during times of social upheaval and news events on these issues, but to follow the story through.

“If a company says, ‘We stand for the LGBT community,’ and is making political contributions to politicians who are actually making laws that don’t support LGBT people, more employees will You have access to it.Spreading the information and spreading the news makes it honestly look bad to be hypocritical.If your employer actually supports social media, take a stand on social media. It is better to express, otherwise it is not.

How to screw up the hiring process

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