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How To Make Friends As An Introvert: Taking Things Into Retrospect With Livebeam


This article is sponsored by Livebeam

Some things are a part of us. Sometimes you sit down and think why your favorite color is what it is, but you don’t really have a reason. Our personality has grown over time due to many factors which could include:

  • Past experiences
  • Future plans
  • Culture and beliefs

These along with many other things have shaped who we are. The same goes for introverts. Their lives have been shaped by the comfort of their solitude. There’s a high chance that you are an introvert reading this article and that’s even better because you need it more.

However, no matter the reason for you being an introvert, Livebeam is here to show you that there are still feasible ways for you to socialize and make friends. Making friends as an introvert is challenging as they do not make an effort to put themselves in positions too. Livebeam is here to help put an end to that.

Livebeam is a communication platform developed for the purpose of promoting genuine online communication between users and creating a community born out of openness, originality, and a willingness to connect.

Facts About Introverts

As much as introverts enjoy their solitude, they remain human beings, and human beings like to be a part of something. They like to have a community they belong to, have discussions, have a laugh, and also have serious conversations. All this is difficult without friends. Regardless of the introvert tag, these things are certain:

  • Introverts want to have friends
  • Introverts want to have fun
  • Introverts don’t always want to be alone
  • Introverts can be good conversationalists

With these convictions, we can gear towards how to make friends as an introvert and give you logical ways in which you could pull it off. There’s a special section where we’ll talk more about what Livebeam has to offer, so let’s get into it.

1. Reconnect with Old Friends

We lose contact with our friends all the time. This might not necessarily be due to a bad fallout but sometimes due to distance, relocation to a new city, loss of contacts, or generally when life happens. When this occurs, most of the time, it seems like all hope is lost. However, that’s the beauty of social media and one of the many advantages that online communication offers.

2. Connect with the Friends of a Friend

Due to the fact that most introverts would normally not initiate conversations on their own, it means that most of their friends were not made at social functions or activities that would generally require a lot of interaction but instead at places like school or work where there has to be some sort of interaction. It could also be that they made a friend through another one of their friends.

It’s not entirely impossible that a mutual friend could form the basis of interaction between two people and that could eventually lead to a lifelong friendship. This can happen for anybody, introvert or not but your introvert friend might appreciate it more if you introduce them to someone you know they have similar interests with on your next outing.

3. Find People with Similar Hobbies and Interests

As an introvert, you do not get to socialize or go out as often as everybody does. You’ve often found solace in your comfort but let us not ignore the fact you have hobbies that make you happy and once in a while, you wish you had somebody to share those moments with. It may not be wrong to say you can find a lot of users on Livebeam who not only have similar interests as you but also want to share remarkable moments with you as their online buddy.

The profile you set up on Livebeam can communicate your hobbies and generally, your personality to others and it serves you the same purpose so that you can find people with similar interests with you either in sports, music, etc. It’s a great way to have a lot of friends even as an introvert.

4. Be Available Online

Here is the hinted special section for Livebeam. Communication platform is a great place for introverts to begin. It helps them learn how to interact and prepares them for doing it in the outside world. We do not advise that introverts stick only with online communication for the rest of their lives but it is a good way to start and also sufficient as an adjunct to their day-to-day interactions.

Once you have signed up on Livebeam, what is expected of you is your availability online to start the interactions and maintain the chats that come in. You can be engrossed in no time.

5. Try New Things

This is probably the most difficult thing to tell an introvert, but you have to try new things. Do not keep yourself in a shell just because of your love for solitude. You can still have your solitude on the side while you step out of your shell and put yourself out there.

You do not have to get into things that are advanced, you can start small. We recommend starting off with things like:

  • Attending short events
  • Going to visit other friends in their homes
  • Attending sport classes
  • Staying back after school/work

These are some little, yet intentional, ways to put yourself out there and rack in some interactions that can lead you to make new friends as an introvert.

Final Words

There is no pressure on you to get out and become the outgoing and all-round person that extroverts are. You can ease your way into friendships without any major stress. These are some efficient ways on how to make friends as an introvert. With the right motivation and drive, you may have both the solitude you are comfortable with and the friends you crave.

Notice that this article is not professional advice and shouldn’t be used to treat any conditions.