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How a $5 Bitcoin Purchase Cascaded into a $1.5 Million Viral Movement – Bitcoin Magazine

This is an editorial by Mason Price, an emerging number calculator, meme creator, and aspiring author.

This article is First published here.

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Nearly two months before deleting his account, @ArizonanHODL tweeted a modest screenshot of a $5 Bitcoin purchase. Ordinary people, and by “regulars” I mean no psychopathic, dark tetrad bitcoin fanatics. Powerful even in bear markets. This was the case with the @ArizonanHODL tweet, from which a new subculture of Bitcoin was born.

How a $5 Bitcoin Purchase Cascaded into a $1.5 Million Viral Movement – Bitcoin Magazine

Source link How a $5 Bitcoin Purchase Cascaded into a $1.5 Million Viral Movement – Bitcoin Magazine

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