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HouseWorks: Cut Wood with Precision | Ottawa Citizens

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Q. What’s the best way to accurately mark a piece of wood for accurate cutting? I’m learning to make furniture in my home workshop and need to cut well.

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a Your question shows that you understand at least one of the basic challenges of woodworking. Precise cuts are not always necessary when making furniture, but sometimes they are. Success starts with how you mark your wood. Use a sharp utility knife when precision is important, as it can make sharper marks than a sharp pencil line.

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Aim to create a cut on the wasted side of the line, ideally by splitting the line in half, using the marks on the knife to indicate where the cut should be made. The light from the cut is a big help, so take the time to put up a lamp to illuminate the cut if needed. Headlamps are often used for this.

A miter saw (also called a chop saw) is one of the greatest advantages you can give yourself when it comes to making precise cuts. In addition to being slightly faster than a hand saw, a miter saw greatly reduces the skill required for success. One of my most popular YouTube videos covers the topic of precise cutting with a miter saw. For an in-depth video lesson on precision wood cutting, visit baileylineroad.com/36307.

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Wet windows like this will become more common as cooler fall temperatures settle across Canada. Mechanical ventilation with HRV solves this problem and improves indoor air quality.
Wet windows like this will become more common as cooler fall temperatures settle across Canada. Mechanical ventilation with HRV solves this problem and improves indoor air quality. Photo credit: Steve Maxwell

Ductless house ventilation

Q. Will a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) work in a bungalow without heating ducts? I haven’t been able to find anyone who can tell me if it works for the whole house.

a Simply put, yes. No doubt, HRV works well in homes like yours that don’t have heating ducts. All HRVs expel stale indoor air outdoors while bringing fresh air into your home. When this happens in winter, indoor humidity levels drop significantly. I’ve never seen a case of wet windows in the winter that wasn’t completely resolved by HRV.

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When I built my house in the late 1980s, I didn’t understand the value of mechanical ventilation in a Canadian home, so I didn’t install an HRV. After a few winters with very bad window condensation, I realized I was wrong. But if there are no ducts at the location, will the dry, fresh air get where it is needed?

As I have discovered, forcing air flow throughout the house with inlets and outlets on different floors seems to take care of fresh air distribution. in and the outdated air intake duct is downstairs and works perfectly. I don’t understand why I can’t be the same as you. Place the air exhaust louvers in the basement and the old air intake louvers on the floor directly above. This will force circulation throughout the house and keep the windows dry.

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epoxy table top finish

Q. Does the power buffing technique I saw in your video work with the epoxy finish?

a Yes, power buffing with a random orbit sander works on a wide variety of surfaces including furniture, plastics and even cars. Grind lightly by hand. This removes any unevenness left by dust on wet surfaces. Next, place a fine 3M rubbing pad on the table, followed by a random orbit sander without sandpaper. The sander rocks the polishing pad to create a beautiful, flawless surface. Visit baileylineroad.com/7619 to see my buffing technique in action in a video tutorial.

Steve Maxwell always likes to polish the finish to get a glass-smooth finish. Visit him online at BaileyLineRoad.com for hundreds of Canadian-made articles and videos on how-to his skills and home improvements.

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HouseWorks: Cut Wood with Precision | Ottawa Citizens

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