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HOME Awards Show Excellence in Homebuilding Experience

Homebuilders in Edmonton and Calgary are top rated by customers.

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Alberta builders have received many accolades for their top-notch products and customer service. At the Homeowner Mark of Excellence (HOME) Awards in Chicago on Nov. 8, 21 of the top 34 awards were won by an Alberta builder, with Edmonton and area builders winning seven of them. won one. For the best customer experience.

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Edmonton’s Accent Infills, Lincolnberg Master Builder, Homes by Avi really shined in this award. All three companies won both the Builder of Choice and Best Customer Experience awards in the 5-55 single-family homes, 56-149 single-family homes, and 150+ single-family homes categories. Averton also won the Best Customer Experience award in the multi-family category with up to 115 units. This is the second year in a row that Lincolnberg Master Builder and Homes by Avi have won the award.

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Meanwhile, in Calgary, Homes by Avi again stood out, winning the Best Customer Experience award for multifamily products. Aquilla Homes, McKee Homes and Morrison Homes also won awards for Best Customer Experience.

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Cedarglen Living won both the Builder of Choice Award and the Best Customer Experience Award, while single-family sister company Cedarglen Homes took the stage for the Builder of Choice Award.

“I am thrilled with the performance of all the winners. Big congratulations. Keeping these scores high and competing with others in a market that has been a bit tricky over the last few years has not been an easy task. Donna Moore, Customer Experience Manager at Constellation HomeBuilder Systems, the company behind the HOME Awards, said:

The HOME Awards is a North American-wide annual competition that showcases excellence in homebuilding experience. Winners are chosen by the people who matter most: homeowners through a series of online surveys conducted by CustomerInsight, a customer research provider for the homebuilding industry and a subsidiary of Constellation HomeBuilder Systems.

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Both the Best Customer Service Award and the Builder of Choice Award are given to builders who achieve outstanding results. Best Customer Service with Highest Overall Customer Satisfaction and Builder of Choice for Highest Customer, Employee and Transaction Satisfaction.

“It’s very competitive and very exciting because builders are competing with their peers in their own market,” says Moore.

Rounding out the Alberta winners are Central Alberta’s Colbray Homes (announced again in 2021) and Southern Alberta’s Ashcroft Master Builder, both winners of the Best Customer Experience award.

Moore said the award provides an excellent snapshot of both the quality of home products and the customer experience at every stage of the homebuilding process and beyond.

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“Builders can deliver great homes, but how do you manage the warranty process and communication for the first year? That’s what our builder leaders are really proud of. , the ability to communicate and make the whole experience a really happy one,” says Moore.

this was 12th It was the first year held in conjunction with the annual HOME Awards and the Build Smarter Annual Conference, and the first in three years to be held in person. The event was also streamed live. See homeownermark.com/home-gold/ for the full list of winners and finalists.

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HOME Awards Show Excellence in Homebuilding Experience

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