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Highlight 3: Denim Daddies, Strathearn Art Walk, Dead Vinyl Society Sale

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denim daddy: This Edmonton band calls itself ‘If Thin Lizzy Wrote Muskogee’s Okie’ and is playing a show with local roots Graham Brown Band in support of the Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society. “Both band leads are deeply rooted in St. Albert and both graduated from Paul Kane High School 30 years apart,” says DD lead singer Rudiger Mersin. Friendship — while enjoying the best locally brewed beer. ”

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detail: Saturday, 7 p.m., St. Albert Community Hall (17 Perron St.), $22.23 at eventbrite.ca

dead vinyl society: Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Blues, Soundtracks, Psych, Soul and more, Dead Vinyl Society’s biggest sale in years is the perfect place to find your favorite crate flippers. DVS has collected thousands of records in the pandemic and is unleashing them all in this one sale of his. They are also pleased to announce a significantly expanded DJ Raveyard while maintaining the crypto theme. Most platters are $5 and 5 for $20. CDs and tapes are also available for those seeking maximum portability. Bring your own Walkman CD or something and give it a try.

The Dead Vinyl Society is having a big sale this weekend.
The Dead Vinyl Society is having a big sale this weekend. Photo by Matt Cardy /Getty Images

detail: Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6 pm 9651 64 Ave.,

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2022 Strathairn Art Walk: This free, family-friendly annual event is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, celebrating emerging and professional artists against the backdrop of the river valley and city skyline. Featuring hundreds of featured artists over two days, with music by Alicia Lov, Tzadeka and K-RIZ on Saturday, FKB, Melafrique and Robin Cisek on Sunday, and more at 12:15pm on both days. band will perform. Also on the performance stage are U of A Bollywood Dancers, BOM YEG Fashion Show and Rueda de Casino Edmonton Dancers. A full schedule and artist list can be found at strathearnartwalk.com. You can also sign up to volunteer here.

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detail: Noon-7pm on Strathearn Drive between 89th and 91st Streets, free


@Fisheye Photo

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Highlight 3: Denim Daddies, Strathearn Art Walk, Dead Vinyl Society Sale

Source link Highlight 3: Denim Daddies, Strathearn Art Walk, Dead Vinyl Society Sale

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