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HBO Max Considers Potential Harry Potter TV Show

Harry potter Fans shouldn’t be heading to Platforms 9 and 3/4 just yet.

Despite previous reports suggesting it was live action Harry potter The series was in production on HBO Max, but the streaming service revealed they wouldn’t be returning to Hogwarts anytime soon. Sarah Aubreythe head of originals for HBO Max, confirmed the news, telling Variety, “There are currently no series in development.”

Well, before drowning his grief in Butterbeer, Aubrey hinted that HBO Max hasn’t ruled out the possibility of making additional productions. Harry potter content.

“There is no such thing as Harry potter Fans,” Aubrey said. Whether it’s a reunion, a live event, or a game, we’re creating new content for those fans and figuring out what to do next. ”

In short, don’t put away your robe at home just yet.

HBO Max Considers Potential Harry Potter TV Show

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