Home Health Hair Care Essentials: What does Mamaearth’s Onion hair oil bring to you?

Hair Care Essentials: What does Mamaearth’s Onion hair oil bring to you?


We all love ourselves the most and always have the peak desire of being recognised & appreciated by others. No matter how much we deny it but our looks speaks first before our words, in the very first glimpse a person looks at you it’s your personality, sense of styling & grooming that speaks up about yourself. And where there is some talk about grooming begins you just can’t ignore that Hairs are the crown of your head which makes you the king of the evening. 

Those hairs on your head are not just the same to everyone, rather it be guys & girls, Men & Women we all have different kinds of hairs. Shiny, dull, thick, thin, curly, & straight. Some get that from genes, some get them throughout their life based on what kind of environment a person lives in. But as there are so many qualities one’s hair may have, the same goes for the issues with them, the bizarre issues many people face like itching, dry scalp, hair fall and so on. Mama earth onion hair oil price  is in everyone budget and helps get rid of these kind of problems.

The reason why people get these kinds of hair problems is not one, there are many things corrupting your precios hairs such as: The environment you live in, the pollution in the urban metropolitan cities, unhealthy lifestyle, less care etcetera. Well nobody wants their hairs to get ruined so early so in order to take care of them you should take some steps like, improving your lifestyle, avoid exposing hair to too much UV light or pollution & giving them proper nourishment.

Selecting the right nourishment product for your hair:

Hairs are a very delicate part of our body, they are made up of non living cells out of a Keratin, but the nutrients to nourish the hair are all absorbed through our scalp. To replenish the health of our hairs we must focus on making our scalp more rich in nutrients, so you can add on some great hair products in your hair care routine just like, Shampoo, conditioner, hair mask & oil.

Along with hairs a person also wants his skin brighter and glowing. You can search for best serum for glowing skin  to get your skin extra glow and shine. 

So now just imagine the purpose of getting a hair care / nourishment product !! It’s not that hard right? You get it to nourish your scalp & hair but what happens if the thing you bought thinking of a boon turns out to be a curse? There are plenty of hair products in the market claiming & showing themselves to be healthy for your hair but afterwards when a person uses them they ruin the hair much further. The only reason being use of foul ingredients in their making such as harmful chemicals, preservatives, etcetera. 

 Some bizarre chemicals like Parabens & Sulphates create problems for your hair for the long term resulting in dry scalp, increased hair fall & even skin cancer. Some chemicals are considered really bad making your hair health even worse, you can take it as “ treating your wounds with acid & making it worse”.

So before buying any kind of product you must ensure the ingredients mentioned on the back of the product to ensure that what you’re buying is actually filling its purpose or just selling you a gimmick and making you waste your hard earned money.  

Onion Hair Oil by Mamaearth’s:

Now there could be a lot of thoughts going through your head, like what to buy, how to figure out if it’s right or not, but do you remember when you were a kid & your mother used to massage oil on your head, everything was quite fine with your hair back then right? Well the Indian brand Mamaearth is here to serve you the same, the nourishment your hair needs with its Onion Hair Oil. Its regular & consecutive use ensures strengthening your hair promoting hair regrowth & reducing hair fall. 

Mamaearth itself is a trusted, FDA & PETA approved brand which serves its customers the best in class grooming & lifestyle products, ensuring no harm to the environment & animals. The brand itself always stays true about their claims about its products making them without adding any toxins and with best in class ingredients.

The key ingredients: 

Onion Seed : Onion seed oil increases blood supply to the scalp which improves hair growth & prevents hair loss.

Redensyl: It is a recently discovered ingredient proven very effective against hair loss, it can also significantly boost hair density, thickness, fullness, strength & overall health of the hair.

Almond : A very well known remedy for treating hair loss & strengthening your hair, it contains Omega-3, fatty acids, phospholipids, Vitamin E, magnesium which ensures more effective hair health.

Castor : Castor contains proteins, vitamins, antioxidants & minerals. It helps in increasing blood circulation & promotes better absorption of nutrients.

Bhringraj : Bhringraj is a well known plant mentioned in ayurveda about its fabulous properties of promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss & increasing blood circulation among the whole scalp.

Amla : Amla maintains the overall health of the scalp & prevents premature greying.

Final Verdict:

Summing up:

So Mamaearth’s Onion Hair Oil  is a great product you can have for the betterment of your hair health. It has no toxins so you can use it without worrying about any side effects. Hairs are a very crucial part of your life. It makes you present yourself better in front of others. So giving the hair a full nourishing treatment is surely something that your precios hair deserves.