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For Women in Need Immediate Donation for the SARA Holiday Season

Michelle Puffer, executive director of SARA for Women, said more capacity is needed across all housing and program areas SARA serves. / Submitted photo
SARA for Women is urgently seeking donations of household items and Christmas gifts for the women and children staying at the facility during the holidays./webimageSARA for Women is urgently seeking donations of household items and Christmas gifts for the women and children staying at the facility during the holidays./webimage

SARA for Women urgently needs donations. Feminist nonprofits covet household items such as shampoo, deodorant, razors, socks, body soap, combs, toothpaste, women’s underwear, gloves and body warmers.

The organization provides safe havens for Mission and Abbotsford women and children experiencing domestic violence. Michelle Puffer is Executive Director of SARA (Support, Acceptance, Resources, Action) for Women and for the past three years she has been Executive Director of Mission Community Services. Taking the first steps to come to a transition house or shelter can be difficult for women, she says.

“Very difficult [to come here]Sometimes women talk to us multiple times before they actually make a move. It’s rare, and I’ve been happy ever since.

Not all women can secure a place in a SARA facility. Transition Houses and Shelters are forced to evict women and children due to capacity limitations. Puffer says they try to secure alternatives with other agencies when possible.

Last month (October) SARA had to evacuate 97 women and 63 children on a mission, 5 women and 58 children in Abbotsford. The mission says she has 40 more women and 21 more children than her in September. In October, eight more converts occurred at the Abbotsford Emergency Shelter.

“You always want to have space, but it’s usually always full.

For interim stays of up to 18 months in Abbotsford, there is a waiting list of 172 people for bedrooms accommodating 1 to 4 people. Other services are in high demand as well — PEACE (Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counseling and Empowerment) for Youth has a waiting list of 40 children, and ‘Stop the Violence’ counseling has a 195-person waiting list. Women are on the waiting list and caseloads of outreach workers are increasing — especially in multicultural outreach programs.

Puffer said the government funding allocated to them does not cover basic necessities, especially during the holiday season.

“You have to ask people to donate items or money to buy items,” she said. “Government funds don’t even pay for toys and gifts for customers. except when you don’t have [for them]That’s not fair to children – it’s another punishment on top of everything else.

The organization has a Christmas wish list listing items to purchase for women and children staying at SARA properties during the holidays.

“The women and children with us, especially those who have fled violent situations, usually have nothing. It’s what you eat.”

Puffer said more capacity is needed in all of the housing and program areas SARA serves.

“At a time when people are asking for special Christmas wishes, providing our clients with basic necessities is the least we can do. To provide joy during a difficult season for many.” Even those of us who have shelter and food would do it if we had the chance to give them a little more.

Donations can be made in person at the mission location at 33070 Fifth Ave or online at saraforwomen.ca/make-a-donation/.

Abbotsford Domestic Violence Mission

For Women in Need Immediate Donation for the SARA Holiday Season

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