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East final ‘will be the hardest’: Alouettes veteran Sewell

The 35-year-old defensive tackle recorded two of Montreal’s six sacks and was one of Al’s top performers in their semi-final win over Tikats.

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Being one of the last four teams still in the CFL has not lost its relevance in Almondo Sewell.

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Despite spending 11 seasons in the league (including his final two with Alouette after signing as a free agent), the defensive tackle has won only one Gray Cup in Edmonton in 2015. He always loses along the way.

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Sewell hopes history doesn’t repeat itself for the fifth time on Sunday afternoon when Montreal travels to Toronto for the East Division final.

“The games ahead are going to be the toughest,” Sewell said after Thursday’s practice. “I still have the excitement I had when I won my last game, but when I go to Toronto, I need to ramp up my excitement. The odds of a team that does is about 78%, they should win.

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“But I’m excited for this team,” he added. “They are young and willing to listen. That’s good.”

The Argonauts (11-7) finished first in the division and enjoyed a bye last weekend, but the Als had eliminated Hamilton in the division semi-finals. Montreal has momentum, but many Toronto veterans, including quarterback McLeod Bethel-Thompson, rested for the regular season finale against the Als on Oct. 29.

It was the only time Montreal has beaten Toronto, losing the other two games by one point each.

“This game means something because we’re going to play a long time in the league and we might not make it to the final,” Sewell said. “Each time you go to the playoffs, everything becomes more important. You never know, so appreciate every moment.

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Sewell, 35, produced two of Montreal’s six sacks and was one of Al’s top defensive performers against the Tiger-Cats. He said raising his level, especially as a veteran, is expected playoff time.

“Players who are paid to play have to play regardless of their age,” he said. “That’s what you’re getting paid to play and be an impact player. You’re not doing more. You’re doing what you’ve always taped.” “

Als defensive coordinator Noel Thorpe said the 6-foot-4-inch, 304-pound-pound Sewell sets an example and has a presence on the field and in the locker room despite being reticent at times. rice field.

“I think his play says a lot,” Thorpe said. He’s a strong guy who can lock in points like few in our league can. He’s a special player. It allows us to do certain things defensively just because he plays, he commands double teams and it’s hard to block one-on-ones.

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The Als put up one of their best defensive efforts against the Ticats, limiting the visitors to one touchdown and producing three turnovers. Thorpe, who replaced Baron Miles in July, also announced that general manager Danny Maciocia will replace Kari Jones as head coach.

Defensive lineman Almondo Sewell uses a rubber band while stretching during practice at the Montreal Alouettes training camp on May 26, 2022 in Trois-Rivieres.
Defensive lineman Almondo Sewell uses a rubber band while stretching during practice at the Montreal Alouettes training camp on May 26, 2022 in Trois-Rivieres. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

“They played determined football,” Thorpe said. “They were focused, they played with effort and energy. You see the culmination of our weeks together. It allowed them to play fast.

“They play together. Every member understands and agrees with what the whole unit is doing. The unity you built and loved one another appeared on that field, each playing selfless and determined football and playing for each other.”

Sewell was limited to practice on Thursday due to a sore hip, but it’s not expected to affect him Sunday. Dominic Davis did not practice two days in a row due to illness.



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East final ‘will be the hardest’: Alouettes veteran Sewell

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