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Duran Duran star Andy Taylor is suffering from stage 4 cancer

“It is absolutely devastating news to learn that one of our family members, not a colleague, will not be around for very long.”

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Duran Duran guitarist Andy Taylor has stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer.

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The 61-year-old was diagnosed four years ago, and his bandmate Simon Le Bon fears he won’t be around for “a very long time.”

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Duran Duran broke the news Saturday as he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

Andy was due to reunite with singer Simon, keyboardist Nick Rose, bassist John Taylor and drummer Roger Taylor at the event, but suffered a “setback” and moved from his home in Ibiza to Los Angeles. He said it was physically and mentally exhausting. .

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At the ceremony, the band read out a letter from Andy, in which he revealed that he received life-prolonging treatment for cancer.

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“Exactly four years ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer.

“Many families have experienced the slow burn of this disease and of course we are no different. , and I am deeply humbled by this extraordinary accolade.

“I was in therapy with doctors ‘Rogers and Edwards’ (Duran Duran producers Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards) and until very recently I was able to just keep riding.

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“My current condition is not immediately life-threatening, but there is no cure.

“Recently, I was doing well after a very sophisticated life-sustaining treatment, but about a week ago I had a setback. I would have pushed my limits.”

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Simon, 64, said:

“We love Andy with all our hearts. I’m not going to stand here and cry. I know it’s inappropriate, but that’s how I feel.”

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Duran Duran star Andy Taylor is suffering from stage 4 cancer

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