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Direct Energy Regulated Services Announces October 2022 Electricity Prices, The Canadian Business Journal

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 3, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Direct Energy Regulated Services (DERS) has announced default electricity rates for October 2022. Within the ATCO Electric service area. Rates are adjusted monthly to reflect the price DERS pays him to purchase energy on behalf of a customer. The method DERS uses to set his RRO rate is validated and approved by the Alberta Public Utilities Commission.

The electricity bill in October is about 19% higher than last month’s electricity bill. A typical residential customer consuming 600 kWh per month sees a total bill increase of approximately $23.56 or 9% compared to last month.

Fare class Market cost of electricity (cents/kWh)
Residential 18.190
commercial 17.980
industrial 17.616
Farm (including REA) 18.030
irrigation 17.380
oil gas 17.592
lighting 15.183

Details of the regulated rate options and a complete list of competing retailers can be found on the Alberta Government’s Customer Choices website at the following URL: www.ucahelps.gov.ab.ca .

Direct Energy Regulated Services Announces October 2022 Electricity Prices, The Canadian Business Journal
CBJ Newsmaker

Direct Energy Regulated Services Announces October 2022 Electricity Prices, The Canadian Business Journal

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