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David Eby Named Chancellor of Musqueam Community Center

This is believed to be the first time in recent BC history that a Prime Minister was not sworn in at the Governor’s Palace.

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David Eby will take office as Prime Minister at the Musqueam Community Center on November 18, breaking with tradition that incoming Prime Ministers take their oaths at the Governor’s Palace. said Evie.

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Eby takes the oath of office before the Lieutenant at 10:00 am that day. Janet Austin at the Musqueam First Nation community center.

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“I am thrilled to be taking this important step closer to home where my family and the people who have always supported me live,” Ebbie said in a statement on Tuesday.

“We are so grateful to Chief Wayne Sparrow, the Muscheme City Council, and the people of Muscheme for hosting this ceremony locally. This partnership will be a powerful symbol of our shared vision for the state that will bring results to all British Columbians.”

community center in Dr Salish of 6735 Vancouver participates in Vancouver Kirchena Riding represented by BC Liberal leader Kevin Falcon. The 46-year-old Eby is his MLA at the riding track next door, Vancouver-Point Gray.

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Prime Minister David Evey met with Lt. Gov. Janet Austin at Government House in Victoria, British Columbia, October 26, 2022. Photo Credit: Darren Stone, Victoria Times Settler.
Prime Minister David Evey met with Lt. Gov. Janet Austin at Government House in Victoria, British Columbia, October 26, 2022. Photo Credit: Darren Stone, Victoria Times Settler. Photo by Darren Stone | The Times Colonist /jpg

Eby’s cabinet will be sworn in at Victoria’s Government House on 7 December.

This is believed to be the first time in recent BC history that a Prime Minister was not sworn in at the Governor’s Palace.

His transition team sought another location after learning that the Government House ballroom had already been reserved for a long-term fundraiser for the Government House Foundation, which provides grants to journalists and arts programs. I said I started looking.

However, moving the swearing-in ceremony to Vancouver marks Eby doing more government work from Vancouver to be closer to his family. I have two children, Iva, who is 3 years old.

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British Columbia liberal Prime Minister Christy Clark, who spent most of her time working in the Vancouver Cabinet Office at Canada Place, announced her cabinet at an event in Vancouver but took the oath of office from the Governor’s Mansion in Victoria. .

Clark represented Vancouver Point Gray until it lost the 2013 election to Evey. Westside – Kelowna.

Eby has been criticized by two opposition parties for canceling a week-long session from 14 to 18 November, with only four days left in the autumn session to face scrutiny during the question period. .

In Thursday’s debate on abolishing the one-week legislative session, BC Green Party MLA Adam Olsen said the move was bad for democracy and that the BC NDP government would use its majority to pass the rest of the legislation without proper debate. It said it allowed to force

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Olsen said MLA is a “cCome back home in sheer chaos. Members are running around knowing where we are, when and what debates we’re on. ”

Eby said on Oct. 21 after the party disqualified the party’s only challenger, 32-year-old climate activist Anjali Apadurai, for improper coordination with environmental groups. Prime Minister Candidate and BC NDP Leader.


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David Eby Named Chancellor of Musqueam Community Center

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