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Child rapist Brian Edward Abrosimo gets break from Canadian Parole Board

59-year-old cleared to rejoin community despite repeated suspensions of long-term supervision orders

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WARNING: This story contains graphic depictions

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The Canadian Parole Board has canceled the moratorium on the long-term supervision order against child rapist Brian Edward Abrosimo.

Abrosimo, 59, was charged with sexually assaulting a woman in June 2006 against her will while he handcuffed her and a month later hitting a child with a car while riding a bicycle in Langley. and was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

At sentencing, the judge said Abrosimo’s crime was “the most heinous and grave crime known to our society.”

Abrosimo gagged an 11-year-old and covered her head before sexually assaulting her in a van.

Abrosimo was released from prison in October 2020 and received a 10-year order requiring him to live in a community residential facility, according to a recently announced parole board decision.

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Abrosimo’s crimes include sexual assault and weapons, and he has a prior history of domestic violence. He is considered at high risk of reoffending against men, women and children.

The parole board said his behavior worsened in December 2020 and his long-term order was suspended. Abrosimo was sent back to prison, but two months later his suspension was reversed and he returned to community housing.

Six months later, Abrosimo issued a serious threat to another resident and his extended stay order was again suspended. This suspension was lifted in October 2021 for him.

Then, in August 2022, Abrosimo returned to the facility drunk an hour late, but denied this at the time. This led to another suspension and he was returned to prison. Shortly thereafter, he contacted a parole officer, who admitted he was intoxicated.

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In light of the fact that the parole board’s recent decision to allow Abrosimo back to the community housing facility admitted he had been drinking and had made some progress, including getting a job. Done.

The board also said it received a victim impact statement in September from the mother of one of the victims.

The statement said that despite all the money and resources spent on his rehabilitation, there was no such support for the victim, asking that Abrosimo not be able to live freely in the community.

“This statement is part of a long and consistent series of victim statements that have been filed over the years,” said the board in its most significant decision to reverse the suspension of Abrosimo’s long-term order.

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“The letter describes past decisions by the commission as ‘too lenient’ and says the criminal justice system is ‘broken.'”

Abrosimo is prohibited from consuming alcohol, drugs, or pornography. He is not allowed to be in front of young girls, or to be in clean schools, parks, or swimming pools.

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Child rapist Brian Edward Abrosimo gets break from Canadian Parole Board

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