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Casey Anthony breaks silence in 2011 trial

Peacock’s new documentary series dives into one of the most polarizing trials in recent history.

Eleven years after being acquitted of the murder of his two-year-old daughter. Kaylee, Casey Anthony Sharing aspects of her story in a three-part series Casey Anthony: Where’s the truthpremieres on November 29.

According to the streamer’s description, the limited series will be “based on speculation surrounding the infamous investigation, trial, and subsequent account of Casey, her behavior at the time, her demeanor in court, and her time spent in prison.” increase.

Using behind-the-scenes footage, evidence from the defense, and belongings from Anthony’s personal archives, viewers have “never seen both sides of the story that ignited the media storm.” is explained.

showrunner and director Alexandra Dean In a press release, he said that “getting closer to the unbiased truth” was the most important thing in making a documentary. It was necessary to receive the platform.

Casey Anthony breaks silence in 2011 trial

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