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Canucks Q&A: Entertaining and educating Kevin Beeksa is ‘not fake’

“Kevin brings an honesty to the show that recently retired players are afraid to share.”

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Kevin Beeksa with a mic is like a hitman with a loaded gun.

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The former proud and belligerent Vancouver Canucks defenseman is wanted as the shrewd Comedy Analyst on Canada’s Hockey Nights in Canada Analyst, putting anyone in the crosshairs of a conversation and willingly pulling the trigger. increase.

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It’s not meant to be malicious. It is done for education and entertainment. And his playful barbs directed at the HNIC panelists are part of his witty demeanor, part of his effort to keep everything bright.

“Kevin brings an honesty to the show that recently retired players are afraid to share,” former NHL goaltender Kelly Frudy told The PostMedia. It lets the real personality shine through. He’s no fake on TV.”

An updated weekly Q&A with the ever-enthusiastic Bieksa, who has two years left on her HNIC contract.

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Former Vancouver Canuck Kevin Beeksa stands with his son Cole in the Canucks locker room before the NHL game against the Anaheim Ducks at Rogers Arena Nov. 3, 2022.
Former Vancouver Canuck Kevin Beeksa stands with his son Cole in the Canucks locker room before the NHL game against the Anaheim Ducks at Rogers Arena Nov. 3, 2022. Photo by Jeff Vinick /NHLI via Getty Images

Q. Was it difficult to replace the Legend?

A: It’s been a week since Don Cherry was fired. There was a lot of tension and adversity, and there was thickness there. Honestly, he approached it like he was on a hockey team. I just wanted to be a good teammate. A little lighthearted here and a joke there.

I wasn’t trying to do anything special. Elliott (Friedman), Ron (McLean), Kelly and Jennifer (Botellil) are my teammates. The team is doing well, they are on the right track, they have a good product.

Q. Was this always your post-play plan?

A: I never thought I would be in the media. I know some people take that for granted, but I didn’t. When I first stopped playing, I told myself I wouldn’t say no to anyone and got some good advice. I’ll try it all once.

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In business, in hockey, in sports, at every opportunity, I did a lot and tried a lot.

Former Vancouver Canuck Kevin Beeksa sings the national anthem with his daughter Reese Beeksa before the Canucks' game against the Anaheim Ducks at Rogers Arena on November 3, 2022.
Former Vancouver Canuck Kevin Beeksa sings the national anthem with his daughter Reese Beeksa before the Canucks’ game against the Anaheim Ducks at Rogers Arena on November 3, 2022. Photo by Jeff Vinick /NHLI via Getty Images

Q. How interesting is the set before go time?

A: Heather is one of our producers and she’s obsessed. Before we started talking, I was spinning in my chair and I had put my coffee on her desk, and she said, I’m annoying I’m like now

I’m not sitting there thinking what to say. Trying to annoy other people.

Q: Apart from Barb, how good is the cast?

A: Ron is an absolute wizard with a way to tie things together and memory retention. Elliott is so connected. He’s never played, but he’s very observant. Kelly has been in the league for his 40 years and thinks this game is a little different than mine. And Jen is just amazing. I try to learn from everyone.

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Former Vancouver Canucks player Kevin Beeksa was honored ahead of a game between the Vancouver Canucks and the Anaheim Ducks in Vancouver on Thursday, November 3, 2022.
Former Vancouver Canucks player Kevin Beeksa was honored ahead of a game between the Vancouver Canucks and the Anaheim Ducks in Vancouver on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Photo by Ben Nerms /canadian press

Q: How does that affect show preparations?

A: Most of the prep is for the pre-game show, then more reading and reacting. It’s kind of like my hockey career. I’ve seen Mattias Ohlund, Ed Jovanovski and Sami Salo prepare and do very well. I wanted to include it.

As far as you can tell, I just go out there and put on wings and react. I have a strategy. Players are responsible in all three zones. If they have a special skill set, they can play within the system.

Q: Why did you have a hard time with Thomas Chabot?

A: I didn’t feel bad about it, so I don’t regret it. I was fair and gave proof. I was watching the game without prejudice (2021.12.19) — as I always do — and saw five or six plays in a row that weren’t good for him. He’s an elite player and he never had a hard time.

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Nothing was personal. I spoke to one of his teammates over the summer and he said he’s the type of person who doesn’t care. I think it’s pretty fair and I don’t want to embarrass any player.

Former Vancouver Canucks defenseman Kevin Beeksa (right) speaks with captain Bo Hobutt at the start of practice in Vancouver on Thursday, November 3, 2022.
Former Vancouver Canucks defenseman Kevin Beeksa (right) speaks with captain Bo Hobutt at the start of practice in Vancouver on Thursday, November 3, 2022. Photo by Darryl Dyke /canadian press

Q: How did coaching help with this gig?

A: You can decompose it from an easy-to-understand place. Everyone knows the game in the room, but it takes a while to learn how to teach it and make it concise and clear. ) and I’m trying to find a way to understand and make it easier for these kids.

I can break it down for hockey fans in Canada and they are knowledgeable and I think it’s different in America. No. I’m telling you.

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Q: Do you want to change shows?

A: No, I like it We are not oblivious to what is happening around us. We are hockey focused and have a great blend of knowledge and fun for hockey fans. That’s the key — entertainment and knowledge.



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Canucks Q&A: Entertaining and educating Kevin Beeksa is ‘not fake’

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