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Canucks move JT Miller to middle, hope Brock Voser returns to his best

“We need more balance,” head coach Bruce Boudreau said of moving JT Miller back to center.

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Kanata Ont — Bruce Boudreau’s long post-match stares, quest for a wise wrap-up for a night to forget, and his trademark lack of humor are hard to ignore.

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The Vancouver Canucks head coach is a perpetual optimist and hockey enthusiast whose glass is always half full.

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But rather than blow the lead or give up an early goal, the affable bench boss ran out of roster options to keep his confusing 3-6-3 club able to play a full game. I’m here.

The Canucks need to improve their 1-3-2 record away from Rogers Arena against the struggling 4-7-0 Ottawa Senators as they begin an important five-game trip that kicks off Tuesday . Another sour stay like his 0-3-2 slog at the season opener only heightens scrutiny.

In Monday’s practice, Boudreau moved JT Miller back to center between Tanner Pearson and presumably Brock Vozer. Brock Voser is still awaiting medical clearance from surgery on his wrist, which had an open surgical scar and was at risk of infection.

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The Canucks have certainly been able to capitalize on Bozer’s 23 goals scored last year and his vow to target 30 goals this season.

“The scar opened up a while ago because I was itching to come back and play[six games]. That was one of the risks if it opened up,” Voser said. “Yes, and they[doctors]were worried about getting infected. I would be out longer.

“I wanted to have a big rebounding year and I got behind the 8-ball with a hand injury[in training camp]and missed a preseason game, so I pushed myself to come back and play. I wanted to do a but it was (cut) reopened.”

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The usual concerns coming back from wrist surgery are shot speed and accuracy. This is more of a mental struggle than a physical disability.

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“I feel good,” Boser said. “No pain, very frustrating. There are days when it’s hard to stay positive and come to the rink and make the most of your day. But that’s what I’ve been trying to do.”

Boudreau also placed Bo Horvat between Vasily Podkolzin and Conor Garland on Monday to see what impact Podkolzin made in his first appearance of the season on Saturday. Hobatt has had good chemistry with Garland in the past.

There wasn’t much to ponder when it came to Miller’s move to the middle.

“That’s where he is,” said Boudreau. “We need more balance. At first he didn’t think his skating was good enough so he just wanted to advance his game, but now he thinks he’s where he needs to be. increase.

“Put him back in the middle where I want him. You don’t have much responsibility on the wings. In the middle, you’re on ice. That is the reason, and we are very deep when we talk about moving the three centers.

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Canucks winger Brock Voser has JT Miller at center and Tanner Pearson on the opposite wing if he returns to the lineup with medical clearance from wrist surgery that left him at risk of infection. likely to
Canucks winger Brock Voser has JT Miller at center and Tanner Pearson on the opposite wing if he returns to the lineup with medical clearance from wrist surgery that left him at risk of infection. likely to Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn /USA TODAY Sports File

Playing a wholesome scratch motivation card with Nils Hoglander and Podkolzin, who have missed three times this season, is one way to send the message that indifferent play is unacceptable.

Hoglander, who has gone scoreless in nine games with only three assists and 12 shots, hustle in the backcheck against the Nashville Predators to interrupt the scoring play. .

Hoglander’s play on Tuesday could depend on Bozer’s availability. He could be inside or sit.

Podkordin is scoreless in 11 games, with just 2 assists and 16 shots. You could call it a sophomore slump, but he’s not going to score a top-six appearance before improvements from wingers Andrei Kuzmenko and Ilya Mikheev.

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Therefore, it will be difficult to replicate his NHL rookie season of 26 points (14-12).

“For me, it was hard and hard to sit, but it’s a process, it’s hockey and these things happen,” Podkordin said. “I didn’t play well, so I got another chance and it’s true. I have to keep a strong mentality and keep working.

“I always watch the best players and want to be like them.”

Boudreau said: You hate to do that to young people, but they are the ones who learn the most. His care and effort will always be there and nothing to worry about. ”

with time – According to BetOnLine, Boudreau was the favorite to be the first bench boss to be fired last week, at odds of 5-1. Senator coach he DJ Smith was his seventh on the list at odds of 12-1. Senators general manager Pierre Dorion said Monday he was standing with his coach. rice field. “DJ is our coach. He’s going to be our coach. I believe in how this team will play under his DJ.”

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Canucks move JT Miller to middle, hope Brock Voser returns to his best

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